
Nope, you're not the only one. Public proposals, wedding dances, flash mobs; everything that's becoming viral loses it's novelty after a while and makes me think of publicity too.

Finally something other than "I refuse to be skinny" and its variations from her! I like her a lot, I think she's super talented but the "I'll never be skinny and I like it" talk in every interview is becoming very tiresome.

I second that. Also the youngest Jolie Pitt twins are freakin adorable and hit the genetic jackpot like Shiloh.

Sounds interesting! Too bad I don't live in US. My only claim to meeting Hollywood people is Alexander Payne when he was in my town for a movie festival.

Alan Rickman! And honest to God I had a crush since way before Harry Potter series. Now everybody has the hots for him and it makes me feel so mainstream! Also I like the old-school charm of Pierce Brosnan before the James Bond movies. And the guy who played Mikael Blomkvist in the original Swedish movies, Michael

I don't get this "Hot Ginge Prince" fever around him,and this is from someone who truly loves redheads. Sure he has a nice body and full head of hair, but he's not that handsome or good looking to warrant such fandom, IMO.

I'm curious as to what your line of job is for you to be able to go to a free film screening. Is if job related? Are you in the entertainment industry?

I'd probably do the same (delete all the images), because first, what use will those have? And second, because I too adore my father and would want to protect my mom. But yeah, even the best of men can fuck up. I'm sorry you're feeling this way.

Brunch date!

Hm, interesting tip! Thanks!

Lifehacker has several articles/reviews of sites and apps for fitness.

Thanks for the tip. I haven't got the hang of brussels sprouts. There are times when they are okay-ish, but most of the time it just makes me wanna puke. But then again, as I mentioned downthread as well, vegetables are the bane of my existence.

I graze a lot rather than eat 3 big portion a day. Since getting pregnant, my pattern is more of eating 5-6 meals a day. I cook almost 100% and hardly eat out since we live in a ridiculously expensive country. I have a big sweet tooth and vegetables are the bane of my existence.

Yup. Madonna and Lady Gaga are my guilty pleasures, but sometimes am afraid to admit out loud for the "oh such a standard predictable pop music" remarks I'd get. So then I admit something like Janelle Monae (just when she started to get famous some time ago).

Hermano! But, btw, is it just me or the second actress who played Marta can't act even if her life depended on it? So wooden. The first / original Marta was way better.

Oh my I cannot think of just one episode I love! It sounds lame but I really like almost all episodes. There are some that I don't like but since you just start season 2 I won't spoil it for you.

Oh Lord Almighty yes yes and yes. We went to a dietitian almost 3 years ago, he managed to lose about 10 kg, but hit a plateau and went back to original weight, if not more. He always have excuses not to work out, mostly work deadlines and projects. He keeps on promising after this deadline/project/PhD/something he

Oooh I love Mucha! Went to Mucha museum when I went to Prague - it was awesome. I'm also intrigued by Toulouse-Lautrec's life.

Thanks, Emjay. Kind words really helps a lot.

I've mentioned this before about a week or so ago about my struggle with an obese partner. I'm deathly afraid of him getting a stroke or heart attack from his high blood pressure. Things did not go well and yesterday I was reaching an absolute low and thought of giving up and let him come back to his senses on his own