
What you have with Felicity, I have with Ally McBeal. Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh. Such an irritating, cutesy, neurotic, indecisive, pouting way of talking.

Oh no I don't think she's a saint at all in my comment. I totally agree with your comment wholeheartedly. I'm just pointing (and admiring, I guess) her approach of "have goal, will work to get it". In this case, her goal to have "rainbows of children" and actually achieving it.

Oh I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I don't get him either. Too saccharine for my taste.

Team Jolie too! I remember eons ago in an interview that I read in Reader's Digest (don't judge! haha), she said she wanted a "rainbow of children" (her words). I remembered that because it was striking and unique. That was before she adopted Maddox. Fast forward to 2011, look what she has. That woman has goals and

I like Mitch Hedberg; he has this dark, self-depreciating humor that Galifianakis doesn't have, IMHO. I feel like Galifianakis just try too hard and his ego eclipsed his humor.

Spot on!

I did, and some were for me borderline almost funny (Stiller, Willis), but it's like he's trying so hard to be funny by being unfunny.

I don't get Zach Galifianakis.

Ah this is great info, thanks! Will do, and will check her gigs also in case she comes around my neighborhood. Thanks!

Ah this is great info, thanks! Will do, and will check her gigs also in case she comes around my neighborhood. Thanks!

Norway, around 400 km below the arctic circle...where every scene IS small.

You're a burlesque performer? Professionally or as a hobby? How long have you been performing? Sorry if I'm intruding, I just like to know more of people with unusual profession/hobby. And I've only been to one burlesque performance my whole life, Miss Dirty Martini, in an art festival years ago. Not much access to

No worries, everybody's been there. Maybe you need a little time off to refresh before tackling the final push.

At least you have a reason. I just felt blerg today without being able to pinpoint what it was that causes it. I can conveniently blame pregnancy hormones, although on the other hand there's an issue with Mr. Chocochica that is also been bugging me for the past months. And I couldn't think of something positive to

What do you do with the tapioca?

I'd vote Voldemort simply for the chance to glower at kids.

I'm with you. I have friends that not only doing that, but also CHANGES THEIR NAMES into "Adam's Dad" or "Jane's Mom". WTF?? I sometimes have to click their profile and see their pictures to check who they are. Dammit people, I don't keep track of your kids names!

That's awesome! Congrats!

Sadly I don't live in the US :(. Seriously, why don't they make white things with colorful yet neutral themes on it?

What usually works for me is drinking water while closing your nostrils. When I swallow the water, the air got stuck in my nose and somehow it cures the hiccups.