
I use Yasmin pills (I live in Europe, I don't know if that's the Yaz equivalent in US?), and generally have no side effects of weight gain, skin problems etc EXCEPT that I think it contributes to my thinning hair. I'm pregnant now and I think I will try a non-hormonal IUD after birth, like Paraguard that some Jezzies

Sorry, not an experienced runner here. Just want to wish you good luck! Wow!

Starting to get fed up with the limited availability of gender neutral baby/kids clothes in my town. Not only is it posing a problem for people who choose not to know the gender of the baby before it's born (me!), but why does every kids things always have to be pink and blue??? The only other options available were

OK this is a downer, but a really good friend of mine had bad breath and I assumed it's because of poor dental hygiene and he was wearing braces at the time so perhaps he didn't take care of it properly. It turns out he had a chronic kidney failure that went undiagnosed for some time. He passed away months later and

Baking soda. Mix with a bit water to make a paste, it'll dry it out.

Oh wow that's fantastic! Sorry if my original question sounds judgey, I was just wondering whether you had a typo.

I once gather all of his stuff that he failed to clean up (e.g dishes that he used, dirty laundry on the floor) and piled it near his laptop where he mostly hang out. It's passive-aggressive, I know, but at that time I was FED UP with continuously asking nicely and reminding gently.

I had that bra problem when I did yoga, then bought a better sports bra and it stopped. I can't remember the brand thought. Perhaps investing in a new, better bra?

I don't have any experience of what you are experiencing right now, but sending you good thoughts and vibes and hope that it will be discovered what it is that you are experiencing now.

I secretly love household cleaning equipment and magical kitchen machine informercials.

You have a boyfriend and a husband?

So glad I wasn't alone in thinking about that!

If I weren't in this damn-it's-cold-already Nordic country I'd crash your wedding!

What's a colposcopy? I know I can google but I have a thing with googling things and weird medical images will turn up. But sending good positive vibes to you and hope you'll be back on your feet soon!

Seriously, how do you find amazing pics that you post?? Do you have a server full of random, cute, hilarious pics at home or do you google images with queries such as "santa chimp monkey midway floating on the way to heaven"?

Baking soda paste usually works well on me for stubborn zits. It dries the zit out.

Aw man, I'm reading both with glee and jealousy!

So sorry to what you're going through right now. I can't offer any advice, just a little internet hugs.

What's the story behind your username?

Ugh that's so sad, I'm so sorry for you. Though I've never put an animal to sleep but I've watched my cats ill and died or even worse, mysteriously died without any prior illness. And its not awful to think about it since it is horrible to watch a loved one suffer, human or animal alike.