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Just discovered the loveliness that is Zaz.

Agreed. That's what I think the plus point of the Swedish movie, that the cast was "average/normal" looking people (NOT snarking here!) that you can bump in on the streets and not on the red carpet.

I get what you mean. And granted, the movie is not out yet but from the trailer it looks like she lacks Noomi's charisma.

I use plain ol' Vaseline with a q-tip and it works wonderful. It can be a bit greasy so just use a bit on the tip of the q-tip, but its enough to remove eye makeup.

Sometimes they might not be literally in/around the bed but nest under carpets, corners, cupboards etc. They're horrible; my sympathies. Good luck!

Hi kathy02912, thanks a lot for sharing, also about OA. I will look into the book and try to find help/therapy for him and hope he'll be up to it. Again, thanks a lot. I got a lot of insights from you and other Jezzies on what it is battling obesity/addiction/disorder. I have to admit since I don't suffer from it I

Thanks for sharing, brotherjo. I hope my SO would really want to change, and, like another Jezzie point out as well, I have to be supportive and lay off the blaming and shaming.

Thanks for your reply, ThereIsNoFluffy. I was sort of thinking about this being a mental illness or disorder but dismissed it, partly probably due to lack of knowledge about this and partly thinking that it could not be that serious. But it's been going on for years and I think you're on to something. I have to figure

There was a time in my life where I was overweight and I told him of my struggle to make him see that I truly understand him and what he's facing. And in my mind at that time all it takes is just sheer motivation and discipline and anyone can do it. But you're right - I was/am not being correct in my support of his

Thanks, kathy02912! Yes I do feel either he needs a (food?) psychology support and/or I need therapy. But at this point we can't really afford it. And either way since I can't pressure him into going to a support group, I figured I would need help for the points you said (control and boundaries etc - good point!).

Thanks for sharing, onewanderingsoul. I appreciate it. I tried it too, by being active and cooking healthy. I might be putting pressure by way of gentle reminders, e.g reminding him of his exercise this week. But the thing is, if I DON"T put pressure/reminders to him, HE WON'T DO A THING! I've really tried this no

Does anyone know an online website or support group for people whose partner is obese? My SO is obese and needs to lose weight and it's been almost 3 years since we saw a dietitian but there are just no progress. The story is long and I'm exhausted to recount it. Maybe one day I'll tell. I'm now at the point where I

A friend of my husband's name is Orly. She's sick of the "O RLY?" jokes every time she introduces herself. I feel awful for people who have original names but became an internet meme.

Oh my, I am so so sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family can find strength, solace and cherish all good memories of him.

It's been a mixed emotion day.

Anyone knows a good, online and free source of hypnobirthing and/or lamaze? Or any other breathing/birthing techniques? [I know I can google and have done that but just wondering if anyone can recommend something. Plus sometimes it's a bit overwhelming to sort through google results.]

One of Rome's specialty is tripe. Trippa alla romana - doused in tomato-ey sauce. I had one in a small taverna not far from Ponte Sant'Angelo (but apologies, I forgot the name nor exact location. It was during a walk along small streets that we discovered this place). If you're not squeamish I'd say try it.

Perhaps it's not the chemical stuff that's not helping but the type of scrub/brush you're using. Are you using soft sponges and such? That may be why it doesn't work. For stubborn stuff I use metal sponges. That works really good to scrub things off.
