
Sticky rice with (sweet dessert) coconut milk. Serve with chilled mango.

That's quite rude! I hope you get back to your boss and put him/her in her place.

No, you're not overly emotional about it. It makes sense that you wanted to share it with just a few that you trust in the early months. It happened to me once. I told one of my BF about it and she was so exited she told someone else (a random acquaintance) who happened to be there when she read my message. I totally

I think it's lovely and fantastic that you decided to adopt in the future. When Mr. Choco and I started to have the talk about having kids, I wanted to have a really good reason to have kids, something profoundly philosophical. Although I thought neither of us are really into "passing my gene" reason, in the end it

Alan Rickman!!! *swoon*

Are we separated at birth? Only my right armpits gets funky as well. I'm kindda glad I'm not the only one.

Jem and The Holograms!

Ah thanks! Never had an ice cream maker before so this is a useful tip.

I don't mean to bring race in the issue but I think it's relevant: if you're a Caucasian then it might be worth to use to prevent early crow's feet as I've observed (socially, not scientifically) that Caucasians tend to have wrinkels faster.

Sorry if I sound judgemental here, but if he breaks up with you over a pop culture reference (be it Uecker or Star Wars etc) AND asking/polling people about it then he's not worth it. I think you do need to talk about why he would say that, plus you're already feeling that the relationship is stagnating so it's

What kind of club is it? Is it a bar-ish kinda-club? Although I generally would say "Go for it" to any new, solo experience, I personally wouldn't go alone for safety reason. I'd be anxious going alone to a place where alcohol is served and I'm a minority. But it depends if you're confident about the safety of the

Any brand of ice cream maker you'd recommend?

Ugh, that's tough :(. I've lost family members to cancer too, and I feel you.

Hey, I'm so sorry to read about your depression and miscarriages. One of my best friend almost overdose herself but thankfully pulled it through. Aside from that, I'm not well versed in giving advice to people battling depression and although I can sympathize and empathize, I don't know how it is. But reading your

It's not ridiculous! I have never own a dog so I don't have advice, but I hope she'll get through this and you can find strength in dealing with this. Sending you and your dog hugs!

Coffee always works for me. One sip of coffee and bam, I'll be in the toilet.

Me too! I kept on thinking I've miscalculated the time difference (I'm in Europe).

Ow so sad :(. Sending you and your husband virtual e-hugs.

Damn, you beat me in commenting about this! I'm always conflicted about this sort of nepotism leadership mushrooming mostly in Asia, although Argentina has their own right now with Christina Kirchner leading.

This! Spot on, cookie monstress!