
I hear you, and I totally really understand about showing consideration to others. I do ask about weddings, births, etc. And I understand I am being asked because they are showing consideration and interest in my life/pregnancy.

Hearted! I loved that song. Thanks for reminding me of it.

Ugh I have an even worse example. Where I come from, once they have kids, people call their spouses "Mom/Mother" and "Dad/Father" when addressing each other (and not only when the kids are around). It's their way of elevating their status and point out that they now have offspring. Can.Not.Stand.This.

Yikes. But good for you to post this question and found out sooner.

OK, Jezzies, any thoughts on this? I never can't stand pregnant women who talk about their pregnancy all the time. But I thought that because I had never experienced it I wouldn't know how amazing it is and that I should not judge because someday I'll get pregnant and then I'd be annoying too.

I'm an Asian living in Europe! To be more precise, a tropical girl from the equator living a few hundred miles below the arctic circle. (It's a long story.)

Sadly, no. They just season it with what they think makes up Mexican food, which is mostly just awful generic cayenne pepper and not much else.

This is an interesting thread to read,and what's interesting is that for me,the question of reconciling with your faith about issues transcends Christianity. I'm not a Christian, and I do struggle with friends and even family members who are opposed to gay rights, abortion, etc. because it's forbidden in my religion.

I live in northern part of Europe, and here, taco is a flavor. Taco pizza, anyone?

I read for about two years but joined commenting just a few months ago. On the contrary to the early replies, I became attracted to the site BECAUSE of the comments and whenever I promote Jez to friends I always mention to read the comments. Yes, it can be a shitstorm but most often I find the arguments on serious

Thank you!

Thank you! It's due in November.

Thanks! We live in northern Europe, so the pdf link is most useful!

Hello! Help a pregnant Jezzie! I vaguely remember eons ago there was a thread about alternative books for pregnant woman, and by alternative I mean not the "What to expect" books. But since at that time I wasn't pregnant yet I did not pay attention to it. Can you guys recommend non-"What to expect" books both for

Thanks a lot! Yes it is emotionally draining. Although I'd like to see myself as a confident, bad-ass woman, at times it really does affect my self esteem. Thanks the input on naturopath; I didn't think of it.

Thanks a lot. I do slightly suspect I'm having iron deficiency though. But never thought about thyroid.

I'm having a major hair problem. It's thinning and on bad days you can see my scalp. I remember there was a thread on hair around a year ago but it was mostly on how to deal it externally, not much internally in terms of allergies or nutrition. I read an article yesterday about a guy who cured his male baldness by a

It's reminiscent of not only PG but also Princess Margaret. The model is similar to PM.

Also, however, Catherine is now Princess William of Wales (princess by marriage), NOT (!) Princess Catherine (because she was not born a royal)

1. I remember reading somewhere that Kate (Catherine!) is allergic to horses, and perhaps that's why she chose to arrive to the church by car. Watching polo is hard for her, thus the open carriage procession with gazillion horses around her must be super hard!