
OK here goes: I have a huge huge huge crush on this super hot, super smart (read: assistant professor in his early 30's!) guy. Can't stop thinking about him, can't stop fantasizing about him etc etc etc. The problem? He's Mr.Husband's boss...Don't get me wrong, I love Mr. Husband to death, but...dayum!

Linkin Park! My oh my! Please oh please do tell. (I live across the pond, sadly can't watch SNL live)

Dear Morning Gloria and jezzies, thanks so much for this post! I'm bored out of my mind with my playlist, and this is a lifesaver.

Menstrual headaches. Really splitting headaches before or after period. Had hoped that stopping the pill would stop this headaches but alas, no such luck. Jezzies, help! How do I PREVENT this? I can soothe the pain with painkillers but I don't want to be dependent on a monthly basis to them.

@Alibelle: I'm interested. But I live in Scandinavia. Do you have restrictions on place and geography? Perhaps a worldwide art project sounds more fun and challenging?

I'm so sorry that this happened to you, but I'm changing my password to every site I'm registered to "Jalapeno in Vagina".

I have never tried it myself, so I cannot vouch for it, but the hula hoop craze might be an alternative. You just buy a hula, and hoop around. Any Jezzies have ever tried it?

@Irksome: Damn, you beat me! Hearted.

Thanks so much for this! My plan (NOT a resolution!) this year is to run a (half)-marathon! Of course the other plan is to get pregnant this year. (Yes I am the Un-Decider.) So we'll see, if I get pregnant, I'll stop the training. If not, I'll run the marathon.

I totally agree on the article. However, for me and Mr. Chocochica the overlapping part is much smaller, and the 'self' part is much, much bigger. We only have food/cooking and traveling in common, but for the rest we're total polar opposite in personality, passion, and interest. For me this works out well, and

Had nice makeout session with Mr. Chocochica, which ended with me nosebleeding on top of him. New-years-romance fail.

Be a Jezzie starred commenter! And, oh, hopefully get pregnant this year. Fingers crossed!