
I know my age is showing but WTF? And people make money from this. 12-17K per month plus sponsorships. Give me 15K per month and I’ll skip sleep to play video games.

I used to think that way. But in the final analysis they will cut those cords anyway because education is the enemy of the Republican Party - not climate change. So in reality this stance does not protect or insulate the school in any way. And punitive action taken by the Republicans would be immediately recognized as

And by making us afraid to stand up for what is right, they win.

Since when is saving our very existence “stirring the shit”? It’s not political - the science is settled. Catering to the idiots who want to be in denial isn’t prudent - it’s suicidal.

Then let them punish. Let them defund it entirely and have their entire educational system collapse.

Climate science shouldn’t be political, but now they’ve made it political. Because they can’t argue with the science.

I don’t like microtransactions but I don’t like a subscription fee equally as much. I like to pay one amount and get the full game ad free. I’m apparently the minority though or there wouldn’t be such horrible monetization in the mobile world.

or presidency - seems like it was shit, nothing, dumbness, stupid, buffoonery, stupid, pointless? (see how I did ‘stupid’ twice?)

Or as well attended as a Trump rally/inauguration.

...which hasn’t happened yet, and takes time to build. But sure, speak in absolutes, ya fuckhead.

How sad am I.  I knew it was a super popular movie, just never actually sat down and watched it.  Thanks!

Considering every gamestop i walk into has mountains of clearance funko pops and other collectible plastic junks covering half the store, I could never see this coming.

I can’t believe someone would be swatting after all these mass shootings and near-shootings. Cops are more on edge than ever when it comes to the type of threats that swatters often use in their phony calls.

And make sure police policy means being able to suss out fake calls and not escalate to a shooting cause they’re still a goddamn institution of people that can think. 

Find the people who call these in, give them 10 years in jail. Fucking morons will get more people killed, directly through the homeowners or through the emergencies they're missing out on responding to this shit

Thankfully, this particular situation was quickly defused because one of the officers attending the incident lives in Bugha’s neighbourhood and recognised the teen.

Killed Aeris, too.

No flux given.

I realize that this is an Apple zombie enclave, but in the absence of thorough reporting or basic journalistic standards I will fill in what the Windows iTunes keyboard shortcut is: