
Not hate.  Just share the collective Gamer™ opinion that women should remain unseen in the kitchen until one finds oneself in a mood of intimate fancy.

What they actually mean by “diverse group of various faiths and beliefs”, is “Catholic, Protestant, Lutheran, Baptist, and a single person who took 2 semesters of Islamic studies ,

It’s weird, too - Ezio was actually written the way he was in direct response to criticism from some fans that Altaïr was too boring for their tastes. (I personally quite liked Altaïr, but I can see why his reserved and serious personality didn’t appeal to everyone.)

Sexists gonna be sexist.

The Vita did have three big hardware fails.
1.) Vita Memory Cards. *sigh* They should have used M2 or microSDHC cards.
2.) They had a port for HDMI out... but never used it. Idiots.
3.) AT&T. Sony got booed for that one when it was announced.

Developed by a diverse group of various faith and beliefs, managed by some bros who are really into WHITE ALPHA MALES.

I’m starting to wonder if the “this game was developed by a diverse group of various faiths and beliefs” is true.

Because he’s one of the few medically qualified people left in the world. Anything from shooting him in the leg to gunbutting him would’ve made sense in the scene but instead you have to kill him to get to the ending.

One of the things I’ve hated since release and what the sequel seems to have double downed on is the idea that it was guaranteed the Fireflies would’ve found a cure from Ellie when the reality of the situation (and audio logs) is that it’s pretty much clear it’s a “chance”, and a long shot at that.

“ lose your career over it “

How sad and tragic that someone.. *checks notes* .. lost their career playing video games for a living for being an asshole.

If you’ve got a dream job, maaaaybe don’t throw it away?

“ After all the finger-wagging is over with, they’re “

OK, so go flip burgers or dig ditches like

“everyone universally acknowledges that you’re an asshole and treats you as such”

you can just be an asshole and everyone universally acknowledges that you’re an asshole and treats you as such, but that didn’t have to mean you’d basically have to lose your career over it.

The only part I agree with is that it’s not a productive cycle. It really isn’t, but it’s THEIR FUCKING FAULT. They have made the choice and live with the consequences. To belittle an entire group of people, they clearly don’t respect where they are as a person, professionally or otherwise. So they’ve just wasted

Translation: “I’m an asshole, and I’m afraid to be an asshole in public because of the consequences. pls let me be an asshole.

And it would be really nice if ppl didn’t get fired for their gender identity or sexual orientation, for how thy dress or who they sleep with.

Actions and’s not a hard concept. We learned it as children.

Unless something literally illegal was done, it seems like an overreach to punish someone in this way.”

And many of them have talents and skills that are beneficial to us as a whole to be put to use

more scared to make even the smallest missteps in fear of losing their income.

Microsoft’s current business ethos, tho, is Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). This is why Xbox Games Pass is such a good deal: Microsoft wants to focus more on recurring revenue than on one-time sales. What reason does Microsoft even have for intentionally losing money on a console which has zero exclusivity (all