
I thought so too! But the cumulative effect of the “demon-inny” girls short scenes were far scarier than that entire movie.

I 98% agree with you but that Executive Order on critical race theory & diversity training was a precision cut. It was so pointedly deliberate, I felt it deep. It brought tears to my eyes.

Ohmigosh! Someone else caught this dude! I had to rub my eyes and check again.

I also enjoy her work on Bless the Harts. I love her as the grandma.

Lol! Welp. . .That escalated quickly! I shall leave you to your SWEET Vox articles. . .

Star for "lotion starved face"! Lol!

Tis true, I got a notice stating this deadline from the IRS this last week.

Ok???!!! I’m like how are Gen Xer’s being defined now? We created hip hop which was initially underground, rebellious music. The generation of “Fuck da Police” who basically burned down LA over police brutality (Rodney King would’ve been a hashtag) & protected 1st amendment rights for explicit/controversial lyrics (Hey

I’m convinced you would’ve done a much better job of arguing your point than that “article”did. It was hot garbage for reasons that don’t deserve any more of my time. So. . .

I thank God that MLK and the folks involved in the Civil Rights Movement didn’t look at the odds being against them and decided that Jim Crow was too much to deal with, that they couldn’t win.”

Age limits are literally agist and not cool. Age is not a determiner of senility or bad politics. I’d support term limts however.

Bullies don’t always give up when you turn the other cheek. Sometimes you have to send them to the dentist to show everyone that you’re not fucking around anymore.”

This is literally how I have to compartmentalize things to remain sane & well.

Honestly, I thought that was done intentionally as an “allusion” to the contentious history of black and jewish folk. Perhaps I’m overthinking it but so far the writing, at least in its narrative execution, has seemed smart and self aware. I mean, Hiram Epstein??? Could they have created a “ jew-ier”name? ( No

As a non-biracial black female who spent a considerable amount of my formative years in a rural, white, poor town, I totally read that as the horror of passing through while black vs living while black or part black in an overtly racist white community.

What’s the reward for your "efforts"?

It really exposes the extreme, almost instinctual, denial of how deeply ingrained anti-black racism is. The fact that it doesn’t occur to these people to fully flesh out any reasonable alibis in these instances shows a foundational belief that blackness is an “auto-indicator” of guilt/suspicion in their world. Having

How have you trolled this site for so long without knowing the answer to tbis question???

I almost wanna fight you for comparing LA to Berkeley, even for clarity’s sake, lol.

This post was a whole vibe and I love every bit. Simple and complete.