This will ALWAYS be my sh*t!!!
This will ALWAYS be my sh*t!!!
It feels like that was the point, to me. No one’s been listening to us scream about this, and Yahima was voiceless no coincidence. And outside of “their world” was made to conform, to be “assigned” a sex, according to appearance. So it seemed intentional misgendering to illustrate the trauma of being Trans and…
I agree that Montrose’s act was despicable AND well set up. It was violent & vile, and contextually, made sense. For me, it was keeping with all of the explicit and disturbing historical references & callbacks in the stury-telling. I believe it was done specifically to literally “scream out” an issue that gets…
Why bother? People like this are of no consequence. They clearly have no interest in facts, so it’s not worthy of your precious (irreplaceable) time. Make these arguments where they can be effective, i.e. civic meetings, work, school, peer/social groups, etc. They know they’re not going to sway your opinion with such…
Also, if I may, I would add that it doesn’t take a “demagogue” to flip that switch.
“. . . there’s a lot of imprinting deep in the suburban white mind on a childhood-fear level that acts like a latent moral killswitch that can be flipped by a demagogue.”
THIS!!! It’s not a “view,” it’s fact, evidenced by documented history. This speaks to the complicity of our education system that people can’t see this, but parents/families/caretakers have the obligation to monitor & clear up this sh*t. The failure to counter this misinformation speaks to just one of the many ways…
I lived in Beaverton about a year. I remember going weeks without seeing another black or brown face. I’ve never seen perfect strangers so happy to see one another. That was quite a few years ago however and maybe the “ethnic” population has grown. . . (lol).
White girls in the my hood always claimed to be latina or have some distant black relative on their father’s side.
Proud & Pantless almost 6 months now!
If y’all don’t leave Crispin Glover alone. . .
“All opinion and zero action is dead.”
Thank u for THIS!!! There’s so much criticism for the survivor and not NEARLY enough for the perpetrator.
Don’t confuse “love” with ptsd.
Dammit, can’t get my ovation gif to work! All the stars for this response!
I wrote a lengthy response to another poster criticizing her decision that I won’t repeat here, but traumatic experiences are much more complex than that single command would imply.
“The problem I have with this woman is that the rest makes no sense and smacks of protecting this glorification of thug-life or trying to be ‘down’.”
Strong ass point. Also, both things can be true at once.
I wept AND smiled! I LOVED this video. SO inspirational!
I rushed in her ready to f*ck someone up messig with Grand Mame Uhura but this article left me with some questions. This sounds REAL messy. 1) How, when she has son w siblings, was a non relative business associate awarded power of attorney? That’s not an easy feat, so what was the familial relationship like? 2) Sounds…