
I'm okay with that, I would happily see Goofy die in a blaze of glory ala Porkins.

And remember, the first movie is way, way better than some of the newer ones—so there's that.

Let me stop you... from stoping him right here.

"You're the best! THE BEH-EST! Nothing's ever gonna keep ya down!"

Despite not being in any sort of physical danger, Zimmerman still plans to shoot DMX.

Now playing

What is keeping Microsoft from reissuing MechAssualt? If there was ever a game begging to be given away for free on gold it is this one.

Came here expecting this

People can bitch and moan all they want, but the fact of the matter is these movies are about giant robots beating the snot out of other giant robots. Nothing more, nothing less. And frankly, when one goes into one of these movies expecting that then they'll have a blast! I'm not sure what else movie snobs are

I've never understood why there is so much hate for these movies. The second one was pretty bad, but I enjoyed the other two.

Camp Kill Yourself. I wish I could find the original video.

I wonder how many among us know that couch.

What i see during these gigantic battles:

You know son, there's another drug you can get high on. It's called, "responsibility".

For some reason it'd just felt/looked like the type of stuff you'd see from adult swim


Part of the upcoming Blood Dragon DLC: Zombie Pirates from Space!

Future Zombie Cyclops-Pirate. ehduh!

Okay which one of you idiots summoned Ultra Mega Chicken?!