
I'll just leave this here

The Merica Gun from Saint's Row IV

This is great and all, I'm never going to complain about new content, but is there any new news about the heists? Most of my original crew has moved on and I'm afraid that the skeleton crew that's left of us aren't going to be around by the time they drop. Playing with strangers is fine but my guys and gals and I had

"So close but,

This has to be leaps and bounds more healthful than anything with "Mc" in the name.

Wow, there are 10 Linkin Park fans in here...

No, 80s Nostalgia beats anything Linkin Park did.

People who are screaming at these folks to "get a real job," are clearly the kind of closed minded know-it-alls who don't think musicians or artist have real jobs either and don't deserve the security. Just because you hate your job despite its practicality doesn't mean everyone else has to.

Get a real job?! His job is no diferent than a tv presenter, no diferent that ign, kotaku or gametrailers guys that work there. He does what he loves and dedicates it's time for its fans!
So your coment is just stupid and childish.

Nice try. What he does is a real job. If you claim Angry Joe doesn't have a real job then that means no video game critic/journalist has a "real" job. He does everything any game journalist/critic does and he does it all by himself.

And what makes this job any worse than stacking shelves at a supermarket?

Because who cares? If you are that picky about which is listed first, you should get off you elitist high horse and go rethink your life.

So, maybe a new stealthy Batman game done in the style of Mark of the Ninja?