
"I'm a 10th level vice president" - Al Gore

To be fair, it's Southern California. Not a ton of weather variety.

Hey, I made a post for tayclassic today about Trevor, I think he's the best character. I'd love to hear why you don't like him. Be as spoilery as you like, but also do you actually like one of the other 2 more?

Same here. I prefer calling it the "reverse Hitler". My beards never seem to grow in thick. They get long, but it never thickens up like this guys.

When I let my mustache grow I look like "palette-swapped Hitler" (my ex-wife's term for it), with a wide no-hair spot in the middle.

Correction.. was. Sadly a lifetime of booze, rock & roll, and alleged drug use have not been kind to her.

Why not? The dude has held down the same job and provided for his family for 10 years straight. Who are you to judge his occupation?

How many people do you know who actually like their job? I got no problem with an expert in the field of selling video games talking about ... selling video games.

If it's good advice, (and it obviously is), who cares what the source is? But oh, that's right, you would rather take advice from someone who does something they hate as opposed to someone who actually does something they love.
Because, to you, money = worth.

Dude, if a person enjoys what he does, why should he do something different?

Then migrate to console. "Convert!" is the message PC fanboys preach, so practicing what they preach should be no problem.

Don't worry. It will come out the same time as the Xbox One and PS4 releases next year.

so, ditch the scores and use a Yes/No... simple as that

Well, they are right next to each other on the map...

We are talking about people who confuse Africa and Hawaii. Does this really surprise you.

This is why we can't have nice things.

I have 3 kids and joined a married guys clan 6 years ago. We mostly play on Friday and Saturday nights because, that's the only time we can. Our password has always been "wifeisasleep".
I'm thankful for them, because the rest of the world just doesn't understand.

Whatever happened to just playing when the other person is asleep?

It's what I do now, especially with two kids.