
I’ve always thought it was insanely fucked up that they always point guns to arrest someone, even in the context of a non-violent crime/situation. That’s shitty and I hope they have thought about why they did that.

Bless you Blink 155

Their 8 best songs are all on Dude Ranch. How many songs do they even have? can’t be more than 154

Oh please let it be John McCain

See I think he’s hilarious, going back to hearing him on other podcasts...I’d listen to whatever he did

True Anon is the only Epstein podcast. Accept no substitutes

New shows that are great...

Hollywood Handbook should be here just for Hayes’s Tool song...

True Anon is hilarious and gets deep into the Jeffrey Epstein insanity

I think the tracks are on Youtube...: Bottle Rockets/So Long/Question Still Remains/Everyone Hates A know-it-all (acoustic)

I did at some point, and expected to like it, but it just wasn’t doing it for me. I don’t even know what other bands/style you’d compare it to. Even at the time it came out I desperately wanted to like it, but just wasn’t happening. The “So Why Aren’t you Happy” EP that it was packaged with from Best Buy was actually

There are 3 tracks near the end - Best Defense/Icons/Shame on Me that I think are among my favorite F2F songs. Everything else is ok in a listenable but not quite hitting the spot that you get when a band announces they are getting back to their old style.

Man I remembering buying it the day it came out, sitting down to listen and just skipping song after song part-way through because nothing was doing anything for me. I never was able to get into it.


“Parks and Rec fucked up by making Leslie pregnant” published 1 day before they time jump past it

Or, if we aren’t doing the exact bit from last week’s Flagrant Ones - yeah it’s worth it...I listened to every U2 and REM episode without having any interest in either band...basically like that.

They just say names for an hour. Pirate it.

Reggie Watts on Hollywood Handbook