
The book sucks ass…bless the backlash

Worst book I’ve ever read

This is good. Jeff is cool

Ah Max…you motherfucker…

Cosign on the Kumail ep…also the compilation episode "our moments of greatness" has segments from a handful of great episodes

"He smugly corrected someone about a minor point from an obscure TV show from the past. The reader nodded and rooted for him, thinking 'this guy is cool and not an asshole/loser.'"

Always a pleasure to pop in to a RP1 newswire to say the book sucks ass and is the single worst thing I have ever read

That's from 5 years ago…Jesus christ we've had like 3 presidents since then. For all intense of purposes that's Old English…holy shit

The phrase is "could care less"

*Could* care less

Last 2 Hollywood Masterclasses have whipped ass - Hayes and Paul Scheer!

Yeah Hino-Enma initially had me thinking Nioh was just out of my league but eventually I noticed the patterns and eventually it becomes very manageable.

Yeah but you can't play them on the can

Yeah I don't know anything about her, and suspect I wouldn't be a fan, but she pushed back on them a lot and it made for a good episode.

The thing about Jonny 5 getting his name the same way as the guy in Con Air…

I agree…he is borderline hostile, which always makes for a good dynamic on HH*. I listened to his other ep not long ago and it is similarly hilarious.

That's funny…to me, it feels more and more like a joke each time they bring it up. They explicitly said on facebook that HH is not over, so I don't think there is any worry about it being done. I will be amazed if they don't make it 100% clear when they are actually ending it…as funny as the joke is to them I don't

Someone mentioned this a couple weeks ago (so big thanks whoever you are) but the "Live at UCB" Hollywood Handbook on Stitcher Premium is pure gold. Between that, Hollywood Masterclass, and Reality Show Show just being added, no better time to finally do the free trial.

D'Arcy Carden was great on CBB…I am all for her showing up on more stuff. It got me thinking about why some episodes of CBB don't do it for me and I think it has to do with people who get too hung up on their character's hook vs branching out in some new direction.

Right but I am referring to the first season