
The witches were hella hard for me first time around. When you kill one and the other starts shooting the paralyzing thing it was game over. I thought I was so clever for throwing rocks at them so I could see their life bar and not kill one before the other was almost dead. Even then it was hard to chase down the last

I was hooked by Demon's Souls from the first time I played 1-1. It was on someone else's PS3/game and it just gave me some kind of brain disease that I walked around needing to buy my own to play it until I finally went for it.

This is the strangest thing to me — I see people say Gascoigne was difficult for them and he is probably the easiest boss to me (and I am NOT great at these games - never beaten NG+). I can't beat the damn first boss of the game in less than 10 tries, but I don't think it's taken me more than 2 for FG. It's crazy how

If you like DS3 that much, they are all worth it for sure. I think there is just something about the first one you play that the others can't quite recreate the feeling of learning some of the systems for the first time. But they are still really fun for sure.

I have played the shit out all of these games and love them, but when I see people talking about all this stuff it's like "I had absolutely no idea about any of this" - it is completely off my radar

I reckon a Dark Souls remaster would not be a bad business decision.

DSII is the only one that I've felt compelled to really play through NG+ due to the fact they put some time into adding new things to it.

I think that was why MSNBC locked her in a dungeon, right?

I regret moving to NG+ after beating the first DLC…I'm afraid I need to make my way through NG again to get into it.

I enjoyed DS2 plenty, but also see the merit in the criticisms of it…

I don't think that's true - I bet almost everyone that listens to it just started on whatever was most recent or picked a guest they liked to start from. I think just the Tournament of Chompions is more like this than the normal episodes.


Hollywood Handbook + Wild Horses was a goddamn embarassment of riches

I suspect Vandy is a lot closer to SMU than Northwestern

Yeah but it kind of balanced out them getting past the Spurs in that same way

That was a good demo…it gave me Daggerfall fever until I got it for Christmas. At which point the install broke the cd drive and forced like a 2 year additional wait to finally play it.

I'm the guy condescendingly bragging about already knowing about extreme dork shit

Like 90% of my time playing Daggerfall was character creation through the end of the starting dungeon. Similar deal with Baldur's Gate 2.

this is good as hell…what is wrong with you people. Save the hate for the awful GJI shit.

same here, but I can't really explain why