
Yeah, memories are extremely hazy at this point…jeez it was like 18 years go. I think I saw the vast majority of the game via cheat codes, but when I played it straight-up I remember a hesitancy to proceed into a new area that reminds me of how I feel playing Dark Soulses.
Talking about it kind of makes me want to go

More sides = scarier
I officially trademark d20-head

To be fair, I remember being hesitant to move forward in Turok pretty often. And never felt like I had enough ammo to be comfortable using the stronger weapons. And sections with leapers or the possibility of them did scare me. So I guess maybe I came to the wrong conclusion?

Yeah, but I remember running around with low ammo/health playing the original Turok. So there must be another component…

You've got ska songs, about ska, by bands with ska in their name

I would look at it this way — imagine if there is a total playing time counter that adds to 13 hours when you finish. But there's also a timer that only counts the time in which you successfully go from one save point to the next (eg throw out any playing time that ends in death).
What if the 2nd time is only 4-5

Yeah it sucks, but this is the trade-off for DVR letting us skip the normal commercials.

Yeah I agree - the problem in this case (if you are not familiar w/ the game) is the stuff you are hoarding isn't equipment, it is just random junk you find that may be needed later to upgrade equipment. Eg each weapon/armor has 3 levels of upgrading and each level will require weird obscure stuff that certain enemies

Certainly didn't keep me from enjoying it, but the kind of things that would excite me if they were fixed in a sequel…cut out the overhead time spent doing chores rather than playing.

I actually have only played the Dark Arisen version, so it is surprising to me that you say that. I know I heard the expansion fixed a lot of features that cut into the fun times, so I suppose what I am dealing with is better than what was there originally.

I played the crap out of it for a while and loved it. I think the only thing that holds it back is menu/interface problems that are a hassle.
1, Got tired of managing weight of all the crap I was carrying around
2. (related to 1) all the crap I put in storage I forgot about - should have let it be accessible when

Someone clearly wasn't on the Sex Boat

The profane note from the TB game is a thing of beauty. John Teti you are a goddamn genius.

I like it.
But the true purpose of this comment is to say that Hop Along is god damn amazing

Love me some Beach Slang

Just a rephrasing of the explanation above, but this is the Monty Hall explanation that makes it the clearest to me:
If you decide to always switch, the only way to lose is pick the correct door from the start (1/3 chance of this —> 2/3 chance of winning by always switching)

Frank Change IS…

It started late in the playoffs last year and was GLORIOUS, but we only got a taste before football season ended.

This is the greatest, I was just wondering if it would make a comeback this year.

Dry them?