
Practice Date? To me that's the first really GREAT episode…

If a horsewoman is anything like a horsefellow, gotta at least give her props on the lack of typos

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus And parentheticals…Oh! The parentheticals!

Or even hypothetical previous works…"My heavens! He almost made a Halo movie, how risible!"

it's downright risible

I just want UCB Season 3…I want it so very hard

The ol gory hole

Left Eye's rap from the last verse of Waterfalls

Fact: Get Disowned is fantastic, in my opinion

I felt like in both cases it starts to seem like maybe things will work out ok. Frey jokes about breaking oaths to nail Talisa, Edmure's bride isn't an uggo, etc. I was satisfied during the episode that they had given a glimmer of hope, but that's just me.

Is it just me or does it make no sense that Grey Worm fights like some kind of spear ninja? Wouldn't the unsullied just be trained to stand in formation and fight by the book? Whatever, but not sure I buy it.

It reeks of "I am not at all grateful for your support"

You're in luck…there are no Theon bits left!

That's a good point. But it is still kind of ridiculous that everyone has to subsidize (for example) my ESPN watching. Especially considering the near monopoly a lot of cable companies have.

Read that sentence…ctrl+F…"huge"…next…next…next…VINDICATED!

Shit, am I a book ahead on all of that business? I am terrible at where some of this stuff falls…still time to introduce Moonboy hopefully then?

The one thing Lancel makes me think of is that they probably need to show Cersei boning someone else, since there are no Kettleblacks. Tyrion needs some names to go along with Lancel to list off to Jaime

I look at it as this is stuff that Renly probably cared about. It seems like Loras is mainly into/aware of it because of that.

Don't give a shit…assume it is sarcasm and get on with your life.

Even if you assumed that he was some kind of genius who COULD 100% accurately diagnose celebrities by reading gossip magazines, coming out and publicly announcing the diagnoses would still be incredibly shitty.