Special Circumstances

It’s The 4400 with 100% less Jeffrey Combs.

This needs to be fixed.

I dunno. The time travel and war/disaster angle had me more in mind of Travelers, but the hook at the end makes me think less “sci-fi catastrophe or war” and more “super-villains”? A little bit like John Byrne’s Next Men.

This seem familiar to anyone -- Cough Cough the 4400

The Franchise Wars have begun. I, for one, welcome our Taco Bell overlords.

I was hoping the response would include something about avoiding the inevitable and undesirable acronymization of the series title.

Just here to say Man from UNCLE is super rewatchable

That quote about ST: Discovery by Mark DeBevoise works perfectly if you read it in Donald Trump’s voice:

More! And after reading the new Thrawn book by Tim Zahn... more!

Every time a manifold is in danger....

Damn! I had Timeless as first on the chopping block. Making History had a fun Hot Tub Time Machine feel for the first two episodes, but I don’t see it lasting much longer. They should bring back Happy Endings instead.

Shut up and take my multipass!

Now playing

I just want him to play the same version of Dredd he played last time, god that was great:

Stallone’s actually playing the MCU version of Judge Dredd...I hope.

I think Rosario Dawson’s face speaks for most of us regarding the Iron Fist.

1. I actually wasn’t going to buy Scalzi’s new book right away. Consider that plan scrapped.

Ah yes, I needed a reminder to read some more Scalzi.

Fuck off Beale.

Oh god Kristen Chenoweth. This is going to be GREAT.

“Valkyrie is more ‘equal’ to Thor than Foster was? She was an astrophysicist who did mind-boggling science.”

Charlize is really Johnny Tran’s long lost half sister who is out to get that Volkswagen Jetta that Johnny won “fair and square” so long ago.