Special Circumstances

This is my favorite Gif of all time, mostly because it's awesome, but also because of how creepy that scene in the movie is.

tearing up the dance floor.

Unfortunately that song is wedded in my head to flickering images of Rebecca DeMornay writhing in Tom Cruise’s lap.

As one of his unfortunate constituents, I think the same thing every time his name comes up —“what in the world has he done to embarrass the state this time...”

The season got better as it started to make the adults more prominent, specifically John Smith and Childan. The Obergrupenfuhrer is certainly evil, but Sewell is the best actor on the show by a country mile. I liked Tagome, too.

Best show in the world that no one has ever watched.

If “gastrointestinal problems” are the only symptoms of E.Coli, Chipotle has given it to me for years now

One that I’d add to the list: Kings.

This is the comment I came here to see. Amazing show.

I don’t know if this would count as just getting good, but I was enjoying the CRAP out of Space: Above and Beyond when they cancelled it. :(

I think I might be the only person who really liked the show Awake and was bummed it was canceled.

I’ve said it before, and I daresay I’ll end up saying it again at some point, but Space: Above & Beyond!

Yes, to Wonderfalls. Love that show!

No Kings love? I was piiiiiiiiissed when it got canceled. Still am.

i’m sorry, i don’t understand the question. the answer is always yes to harry’s baby.

There has literally NEVER been a more appropriate time to post this .gif.

It doesn’t hurt that Clinton and Richards are about 19x smarter than anyone else in the room.

Reboot Reboot

Other: Luke is secretly the Trickster.

I can’t say how often I’ve wanted a “House Hunters” episode to end like that.