I miss Party Down so much. Cole Landry’s Draft Day Party still makes me laugh.
Moved back to WA state about 2 years ago and the drivers license process was SO easy. Of course after the joy of the CA DMV my bar was really low. Perhaps nonexistent.
I’m a self described Seahawks bandwagon fan (thanks family tickets!), and my favorite thing to do is tell people I attend games to get a Facebook photo.
Wow. Even with guessing I pulled an 8/10. I’m going to go reevaluate... jk.
I’ve used the keypad entry on my Escape numerous times. Typically I use it to get my sunglasses out when I’m walking to the bar and leave my car keys at home. I’ve also purposely locked my keys in my car...why I don’t remember.
The sunroof on my Escape has been broken for like a year and the first quote to fix it was $1200+. I live in the PNW...
That was my response to getting the F-22 as well...
“After the ninth trip, I dug around online and managed to get the phone number for the Chairperson of the entire California DMV system in Sacramento, and had her issue a personal, notarized letter to the Culver City branch approving my application for registration.”
Agreed on all counts.
Did you see The Fall? Gillian Anderson is flawless.
My dad had a gray one like yours for a couple years. It was two years old at the time of purchase and had never been off the lot. This was in the middle 2000's.
Starred for Seattle.
It's pouring in Seattle...so totally normal, but I definitely needed some laughs to get through the afternoon.