
He was polite and even kind, professional, and worked hard to communicate in a way she could answer when she asked for clarification. When the moderator asked to move on, she insisted on taking the time necessary to answer Daugherty’s question and then she did so ably.

She owes her success to people watching her win.

Because their job is not to fawn over her celebrity.

So the media makes her cry from anxiety unless they are fawning? Gotcha.

media was specifically owed the presence and tolerance of the people they cover

In what way is this an unfair question, though? She just played the Olympics, where media appearances after matches aren’t required. Yet as the favorite at home, after a disappointing lost in an early round, she voluntarily chose to go answer questions from the media, the exact thing she has withdrawn from other

It’s difficult not to anthropomorphize the Tesla as it pulls in its injured wing.

So, Leah Remini does a podcast (with Mike Rinder) called Scientology: Fair Game. They just did a Q&A last week and before they started, Leah called out someone making a negative comment about them. And she said (I’m paraphrasing,) “I know most of the comments are good, but the bad ones stick out to me and I have

I am 100% behind her intent, but I take issue with her metaphor. The popular kids were the ones who always treated me like shit. I never envied them because I didn’t want to be that mean, but I did wish that I could blend with them so they would leave me alone. It wasn’t mainly because I was a “nerd” (defined back

I guess her agent went a bit for the sensationalist angle (a bit of self-victimization here) after her emotional spill. It’s kinda her angle lately (being a critic of the media and the tennis organisation forcing interview via contracts) for the “scene”.

It sounds like the follow up questions were because she was asking clarifying questions of him though. Again, unless there's something missing from the reporting here.

None of the questions presented here seem bullying. Did he ask something else that’s being left out? (And he could be asking totally legit questions that could have been difficult for her for reasons that have nothing to do with him! That’s totally possible.)

Yes, take that nerds! Always defend the popular table.

So everyone who attends a wealthy elementary school?

Massive migraine. Not posting tonight. Will post sometime tomorrow.

As a dude with kids and a pool, “harrowing ordeal” and “a parent’s worse nightmare” seems just a touch over-dramatic.

Anyone paying close attention had to know her story didn’t add up.

Dude, I was just about to make the same comment. The only thing about Monica Lewinsky that wasn’t conventionally hot was her weight, which seemed to stun the mainstream media, who could not wrap their head around the idea that a “chubby” girl could be considered fuckable enough to bring down a president.

I was in the minute I heard Monica is producing, since that means 1: she may actually get a fair shake in this narrative for once and 2: it’s about time she gets to tell her own story.

People who “look like” murderers usually don’t get close enough to murder people because they look so scary!