
My dry cleaner is having a 3 week destination wedding, 5,000 people are coming, and all the photos are being sold to Spot Remover Monthly.

I finally did see the husband and if he were in any of these photos, he would also be described as The Gay. 

And in 150 million years, the squidlike people that have evolved to build undersea society will venture upon the land, study our remnants, and be like “Welp, they took out a shitton of innocent creatures with them. Par for the course with these shitty pink things!”

Once the people are gone, the animal kingdom will thrive again. New species will emerge to adapt to the new post-human planet.

Will Dennis Quaid shepherd us all into the New York Public Library to save us from a monster wave of storm surge?”

Although it’s certainly not the meaningful point, Dennis Quaid didn’t lead people into the library, he was trying to hike across the country to get to his kid who was one of the people trapped in the

The planet is fine. The people are fucked. - George Carlin

According to the linked daily beast article, he also did an “impressive number of push ups in the field” during the listening party. This whole thing is giving me serious yayo vibes.

This party—ahem, “experience”—had everything: fashion, dancing, outfit changes, gowns galore.

What am i missing here? Why is a fitness teachers wedding important to people?

Now playing

Dastmalchian also did a terrific podcast a while back with Kevin Smith and Marc Bernardin talking about his past, shares some funny stuff from Dark Knight, and so forth, and is well recommended.

There ought to be a term for when you revisit something you’ve seen before, and realize that an actor who you know very well now was in that thing but you didn’t know who they were at the time.”

I actually rewatched The Dark Knight on a whim a couple months ago, and was delighted to stumble upon Dastmalchian.

As near as I can tell from reading the linked articles, the initial autopsy allegedly DID find soot ring/etc. It was the second family requested autopsy that failed to find those indicators because (according to the pathologists who did the original autopsy) the body was cleaned after the original autopsy.

It’s interesting that here in Los Angeles, we hear a lot about racial disparity in vaccination rates, and the implication has been that POC have less access to vaccines, but, at least in the earlier part of the year, when they were just becoming available to the general population, you could only find them in African

Obesity also strikes people who are poor and calorie deficient. The problem with modern obesity is that it has less to do with lifestyle changes and more to do with food manufacturing. Since food is less grown and eaten but grown and Frankenstein manufactured. Poor and calorie deficient is the key phrasing. Healthy

Her “immoral behavior” was probably not paying her rent.  She is a total poser.

Shelter Catstravaganza!

Yea... I doubt Disney would have immediately acquiesced to the demands if ScarJo was a guy. 

BW-B just announced separating from her husband a couple weeks ago, she didn’t get divorced in ‘20.

This is a disingenuous conflation of disparate events. The protest by spa customers was mainly women, mothers, former customers - protesting a policy that leaves them vulnerable to sexual assault (indecent exposure IS sexual assault). Why should women and children be sacrificed for trans-identified men’s validation?