
My dad has a 92 Sidekick that we have literally had water pouring in through the open windows as we crossed the Everglades. Can confirm. Will make it.

To be fair, I worked at an Auto Part in miami for over 4 years and I’ve sold more parts for cars in Cuba than I can remember. If you liv here and have family over there you can get special permission to travel over there. You normally take one suitcase for your stuff, one for clothes and stuff to leave with your

And some of tomorrow’s.

I literally finished up some work about 5 minutes ago and thought “ its 5 minutes to 3, I feel like Travis is sitting there with his finger hovering over the publish button” and looks like I was right. I’m really excited for this new Miata.

I’m going to do my best to make this a thing. Like, the official Jalopnik Apology Stratos or something. So whenever you see this picture, you know somebody done goofed.

I completely forgot. In my defense, I hadn’t had any coffee yet.

7th Gear: Oh shit, this is a Corvette.

Orange Blossom Drive is where you turn after getting off the turnpike north heading to Disney. We went this weekend for my birthday. I don’t know what phone that were using because my Google maps had no issues with those directions. But there are a few times where all I need is “turn on exit 6b” and it gives me

I came to Jalopnik today and saw this up top and refreshed the page twice thinking my browser got stuck on yesterday or something. And while that may sound like a complaint, it’s not. I love me some 4C posts. It’s a beautiful cars and if I were in the market I would definitely consider one.

This place is up in Doral and its shady as hell. Had a friend walk out once because they were screwing with him. And for anybody claiming that its the lady’s fault for not speaking English has obviously never been to Miami before.

How wonderful would t be if they just buy this out and make it look like this. Just for shits and giggles.

Even the new corvettes have them. I’m sure I can think of plenty more but I’m on my phone and lazy.

I tutor some 16 year old kid in math who constantly tells me he wants to “murder out” his moms Volkswagen CC and he is obsessed with this car. I just can’t take it seriously, it’s like they made a car for teenagers that costs adult car money. At that point I’d buy a Mustang and actually have RWD.

Now to just keep on praying for a Fiesta RS.

Are those slip on checkered Vans? I love me some slip on checkered Vans. Also, my ‘02 Accord had a drawer tothe left of the steering wheel. That drawer was awesome after I replaced the radio to one with a 30 pin iPod cable and ran it behind the dash and stored the iPod in it. I felt like a genius. I was 17 so I guess

Sweet mother of god, I never knew just how badly I needed leather belt straps to hold down my hood. Its so polarizing. On one hand it makes me feel like I should be driving with one hand while the other holds a glass of champagne, while on the other hand it feels so no-bullshit in the best way possible. Like “gotta

I have never been more proud to be a Floridian. In fact, I can’t think of many times I’ve been proud of it at all but don’t worry about that.

Give that thing some much needed suicide doors and O'd say it's pretty much perfect for what I imagine a new continental should be. Then again, I'm still very disappointed from all the other concepts lately to hold out much hope.

"CRANK UP DA BOOST!!!" totally needs to enter my day to say vocabulary somehow.