
Really? I’m a Cubs fan that lives in Southern Illinois, and spent a lot of time in Chicago for school. You drive around St. Louis and see anti-Cubs bumper stickers on street signs. You don’t see that in Chicago. Chicago fans don’t give a shit about the Cardinals except for the 20ish times a season they play. Cardinals

As a near-lifelong hater of the Cardinals I’ve reveled in this picture for approximately 10 years. I’m not 100% certain, but I believe this was taken from a protest of either/or  George W Bush or the 2nd Iraq war. It is not’s real, and it’s spectacular.

I was hoping it was going to be the number one comment on the article. Is Blues Brothers now too old of a movie for people to instantly think of?

618 represent

Man...growing up in rural Southern Illinois, Dairy Queen perfectly sums up small town life to me. There were Dairy Queens in towns too small to even have a McDonalds or Hardees.

I’m disappointed I had to scroll so far into the comments to find this. 20+ years later and I still giggle at this.

Yep, came to say Illinois. The “Chicago vs. Everyone” political/social/economic divide aside, I’ve found that it’s hard to explain where you live to anyone who lives in any other part of the state, because everyone’s definition of what constitutes Southern/Northern/Western/Eastern/Central Illinois is different

Indiana, too. I live in Illinois outside of St. Louis, and I drove to Columbus a few years ago for a wedding. I figured the 6 hour drive to Columbus would be no big deal. NOPE. I’m pretty sure the stretch of I-70 between is some extra dimension where the laws of man and God are unknown,and the concept of “time” does

I’d say 90% of the time families like this are Quiverful, or some related religious whackadoos. I know a family who are currently pregnant with baby #13, and it’s not for religious reasons at all. The one son’s girlfriend being pregnant doesn’t strike me as being super religious, at least not in the hardcore right

I work in social services and have developed a pretty thick skin, but that actually made me recoil in disgust. I hope you mercy killed that twisted monster.

I have a HUGE soft spot for these cars. One of my best friends’ dads in high school drove one of these. We’d go cruising around our small rural town in the summers with the top down. Her dad was like a second father to me, just a larger than life personality. He’d come home from work and blast the “1812 Overture” as

This is how I answer the question. I’m honest about an actual weakness I have that’s work-related, but then I state how I’ve addressed it and what I’ve done to actively improve on it using job-specific examples.

Jesus dropped a phenomenally relevant Waynes World quote and it’s KILLING me how badly it’s”whooshing” over so many people’s heads in the comment section. Well played, sir. +1 Stan Mikita’s Sugar Puck to you

I can’t be the only idiot to mix Tequila Rose with milk, right?

One of the best gifts anyone ever gave me was a bottle of Yamazaki 12 year old for my 30th birthday from a dear friend and former coworker. It was the fact that she knew I was a whiskey fan, and took a chance on getting me something unique and special that I would appreciate. That was the first and only bottle of

I read Hank Stram’s autobiography in college, and one of the first lines is about how he spent most of his career looking at and evaluating grown men’s asses. I coached offensive line for 15 years, and I totally get it. The absurdity of sitting in the coaching office and talking about which kids had the best ass was

For me, at least, it’s that most house-made restaurant ranch dressings seem to be LESS creamy and a little runnier than the above tested brands. And I prefer a less-creamy ranch dressing. A place near me has a house ranch that’s very garlicky that’s amazing. Don’t get me wrong...I still love ranch in any and all

Wind (whispering): Edna...

I roll my eyes at the “Give Blood, Play Hockey” bumper stickers I see, and I think any argument about which sport is tougher than another is dumb (source: taught middle school and coached high school for 15+ many dumb sports arguments). That being said, as someone who’s never played, I think hockey is one

Onions. They taste like vomit to me.I hate them, and it limits a lot of food choices for me because they’re a really common ingredient. I feel like a goddamn child when I go to a restaurant and ask for something with “no onions”, but no matter how much I’ve tried them I can’t do it. I like green onions, leeks,