
Re: Teaching while hungover....I was a middle school special ed teacher for 5 years. Teaching while hungover wasn’t so bad. I didn’t show movies, but those days included a lot of quiet work at their seats, or “reading days” when I’d let them just read the whole hour, or work on stuff for other classes.

Do you have children? Young children? Young, loud, whiny, completely dependent children who won’t leave you alone for just 5 damned minutes? Children who constantly fight over the stupidest things? (one child was eating a pickle and another one hates pickles; the smell of a fart; the sound of a fart; talking about

There’s a place by me that serves them the same way. I’m never sure what the do with the extra flap (chicken finger?) at the very end. Eat it? Eat the skin off? I usually use it like a Fun-Dip and swirl it around the sauce.

“Ken Burns? Yeah, great kid. I recruited him before he went to Indiana. Didn’t know he was into making documentaries. Now if you want a good documentary series, there was a great one back in the ‘90s called X-Files.”

I moved to Illinois when I was 4 in 1988, but my mom’s family was from KC and my grandparents still lived there, and I spent every summer staying with them. So I grew up cheering for the Bears and the Chiefs (and the Cubs and Royals...)...lot of futility in my lifetime of NFL fandom.

A local bar in my town has jalapeno poppers on the menu, and after consuming 5-6 one night I learned what the phrase “shit through a screen door” means.

I think like most things in life it just depends on the situation. Along that line of thinking, I certainly don’t think it’s necessary to do that in order to co-parent efffectively. My ex and I get along great, and we go to our kids sporting events together (3 kids playing 4 different sports all year round) and sit

A used tampon. I don’t want go into the, ahem, gory details but it was my first date after getting divorced and moving out on my own. It was also my first experience with on-line dating and sadly...not my worst on-line dating story.

Have you had Lou Malnati’s? If not, do yourself a favor and skip Giordano’s. Lou Malnati’s crust is superior and actually has flavor.

“Worth a shot!”

618 represent. I didn’t learn anything about it growing up, either. It wasn’t until I was a history major at SIUE and I took a class on the history of Illinois that I heard anything about it. 1/3 of the class was on East St. Louis, it’s early days as an industrial city, the tensions between white and black citizens (a

No. Human bodies are much denser than watermelons, which are mostly..., er, water. The watermelons exploding like that are an effect of the shockwave traveling more or less unfettered through spongy and soft material. Bone and muscle are far denser and are going to absorb a lot more of the energy than a watermelon,

I think it depends on where you’re at and what sport/level you’re officiating. I became a licensed football official in Illinois when I was in college. The pay wasn’t our area (St. Louis metro-east) it averaged 75-100 for a varsity game, 40-50 for an underclass game, and usually around 100 for doing a day

Former high school football official here. I officiated for a few years in college. In my experience, the training for high school officials is garbage. I’m not sure what it’s like in other states, but to become a high school football official in Illinois with the IHSA (governing body for high school sports in

This guy lived down the road from me. The St. Clair County Sheriff’s department is already short-staffed anyway, but pretty much every deputy today was working on this case, investigating, answering calls, etc. I work in youth social services and interact a lot with local law enforcement in my job and the county was

When asked about the first thing he planned to spend his settlement money on, Cvijanovic replied “I’d like to buy a vowel”

Lamy Safari fountain pen. They’re pretty sweet.

Shout out for the Lamy fountain pen. I love mine. I feel like it makes my horribly sloppy handwriting look classy and distinguished in addition to horribly sloppy.

The 2000 Chevy Cavalier coupe I bought used in college. It had all the Cavalier “quirks”: cheap plastic dash that was cracked in numerous places, black paint that looked like a Holstein cow from all the spots where the clear coat had pealed off, broken A/C, tinny speakers...but I still loved that car. Somehow that 2.2