Florida: where killing children is legal.
Florida: where killing children is legal.
So now they are wasting time on parliamentary procedures. Excellent.
Well, give a racist enough rope and she'll hang herself, eh Anne? Maybe just stick to vampires.
The Wizard Cake. I have penis cake envy.
If you start at Cher's tweet and read down thru Rick Ross and then the National Zoo, it's like the best Mad Libs ever.
I'm pretty sure you could start a sentence with "Justice Alito was a real dick to-" and finish the sentence with an infinite number of people/places or things.
Oh no, that's okay. I had all my relatives over 70 to give me their 400-thread-count wearing opinion on this subject over the weekend.
Taye Diggs and Steve Carell make me want to rip off those glasses and do unspeakable things. In a library.
And if all else fails, ask Paul Deen how (repeatedly) using a racial epithet is working out for her.
I wish they would make clothes for the "plus size" (aka average) professional woman. It's either tops decorated with puff paint and bizarre sparkles or they want you to look like you're a nurse in the children's wing of a hospital...busy tops with front pockets at the waist, wtf? Please, nice conservative tailored…
Masturbating fetuses approve.
Worst West Side Story remake ever.
Very sad and too young. RIP.
OMG, I'm sorry but that is so horrible. And SO funny!! So horribly funny. You poor thing.
All dogs should be able to lay in the sun and be petted by people glad to have them there. And every person should have the chance to do so.
Yawn, or hi! from my dog PeeWee. He's a party animal and definitely my squee.
I give you PeeWee, my little squee.