
Standing up for yourself from what? Going through my comments and attacking my grammar are standing up for yourself?LMAO If your initial reply to my post was supposed to be ironic, you should get some practice. What would be ironic is how you are now saying you replied to my post about the so-called racists tweets

I'm not really sure why you keep explaining yourself, but I'll just pretend that how many Jewish people question wasn't an attack on my character. I guess I could also act as if the denigrating myself comment wasn't an attack on my character either. You know what though? I'll just continue to act as if they were………

Makes sense to me. Why get the whole story when you can get 1/10th of it right?

The fact you keep trying to make me believe they aren't fake , just lets me know they are( it's also hilarious). Btw, who was trolling? I made a comment about this terrible witch hunt article and you posted a condescending reply( one of many to come). Oh wait, I get it now. Opinion that is not yours=trolling.

What part of watch his stand up and form your own opinion did you not understand?

I guess that was another put-down. I feel so hurt……oh well, I'm over it now. I guess that's all people like you have. You answer questions that were never asked. You do snarky put-downs when you don't get the response you want. Then you try to shame them. When all that doesn't work, better get back to the put-downs of

"Probably the same amount of black people you know personally who are not co-workers or serving you at a restaurant. I could care less about your fake internet outrage"

Absolutely, thanks for your approval. Without it I just don't know what I would do. Btw, I never asked you anything. You took it as a question, it wasn't. People like you spend wasted time on the internet finger wagging and more likely are lying through your teeth when you talk about all the races you're so close to.

I know right, those people better watch out. Reading these comments might make their faces melt off. They better look away quick, we wouldn't want that to happen.

I guess Trevor Noah should be the first comedian in history to have every single joke he says( or tweets) be hilarious( we all know Twitter is the place everyone should go for witty humor ). What's wrong with that guy?….

You read through my comments. Guess what? I could care less. You posted that like I should be embarrassed by it,Lmao The only thing I'm embarrassed by is fake internet outrage. Thanks for letting it be known ,to those who are not internet creeps and stalkers, that I'm consistent. I'm sure you thought you were doing

Denigrating myself? Your non-answer says it all. Do you think because you know a black person who gives you a physical it's the same as breaking bread with that person? Not sure why you asked if I was black because I never asked if you were white since your fake outrage already answered the question for me. You know

Examples? How about you go on YouTube and watch his actual stand up? Instead of having your opinion spoon fed to you, go form your own. of course you can keep turning to Twitter trying to find examples of humor in 140 whole characters. We all know the best comedians tell the best jokes in 140 characters.

Probably the same amount of black people you know personally who are not co-workers or serving you at a restaurant. I could care less about your fake internet outrage

So what? He's a comedian and a damn good one. Even his stand up has been about racial stereotypes. What exactly are we going for here? Should nobody notice someone's race or weight now? Should nothing be joked about for fear that 1 out of every 100 people will be offended? Should we pretend stereotypes don't have an