
Is Dad or Boink one of Tinder's features?

I guess he's not a fan of British biopic dramas.

Only 8/10? Who the hell is a perfect 10 for you?

The election?

Woah did Justin get dipped into some toxic vat of Tropicana?

Marvel DC crossover event on stage. And it looks delectable.

Well that was pretty quick. Would have preferred a speech from someone who knew them well.

Oh no, Im not ready for this


There's no way Diego Luna was the worst part of Rogue one. He was the emotional core of the movie and the only one who gave the film some emotional authenticity.

When you're in a meeting in a tiny room and holding in a fart.

Since his teleprompter isn't working , he's just reading off a Mad Libs now

I like that. Dickensian.

Yesterday i ordered Domino's, and when it came I walked up to the car. It was snowing heavily. I gave the young delivery guy a two dollar tip. He took it and looked confused. then he said he doesn't ever get tips, and told me Good Bless me and did the sign of the cross, and almost burst in tears. I was so taken aback.

What the fuck is this

He has zero stage presence. It's awesome.

The first rule of the live blog is don't talk about the live blog.

What's up?

I wish I looked that good when I don't give a shit.

Slowing eating our organs.