
But enough about his balls..

More like the wall between make-believe and more make-believe

Ha phrasing! I thought you meant it would be better for everybody if I was put in a clubhouse for pedos. I was pretty shocked to be told that (again…)

-said no Republican ever

…and homophobia.


The smell inside is a complete boner-killer.

Meanwhile, my search for a husband intensifies.

With the exception of when Margerey takes Tommen's virginity, every sex scene on Game of Thrones is a lie.

I need that for my phone

However, from experience, I must say it is essential that you twirl your imaginary cape after saying it. Trust me, it works—everybody at work won't stop talking about me.

As soon I saw the picture and read the headline, I started squealing and clapping my hands. I haven't even read the interview yet, need to calm down first.

I was so sad scrolling down the list when I saw that a Saw V existed, but then I saw BJH Season 2 and it was like a great light shining down upon me—oh no, that was the sun, eww…

I had an anal skeptic in me once too, but he wasn't a skeptic for long.

i really loved the focus on Big Boo's not-TV-hot legs, in her scene with Nicky. Not only did they not shy away from showing her full-frame in her underwear (and without mocking her), but they even zoomed in on her legs and belly.

I think she is definitely upselling, because she says one of the sons is an "artist" (even though 'Stache's mom said he was an art historian) She seemed to be playing off of Daya's dreams of being an artist, suggesting to Daya that by giving the baby for adoption, Stache's mom might raise it to be an artist too and

I need the Hollaback Girl scene on a loop, for reasons.

Just be careful not to converse in public about how cute you think "Baby Poussey" is.

Huge fan of the books, but I saw the trailer for the TV adaptation and now I think I have a brain tumor.