
I half-expected Ceresi to walk into the castle and find Tommen on the throne with Margerey by his side, smirking because all she had to do was say 10 Hail Mary's to get out of the prison.

Let the bards sing sagas in your honor.

Where's the Michael Keaton gimmick account when you need it?

SPOILER To each his own, but I could listen to McCarthy eviscerate snotty, slimey Europeans for the rest of my life.

Please tell your family you want a closed coffin.

15 seconds?? How do you shoot so fast? Are you a police officer? Your black screen is not a threat, it just fell asleep!!!

*vomits all over keyboard*

X Factor is the worst thing he's ever done? Didn't he sign Justin Beaver?

It was silly, yes, but I found the sequence to be effective.The ambiguity of whether Mryn recognizes Arya or is just preying upon her was tense and alarming. And her not poisoning the clam man in order to pursue Meryn didn't bother me because it was good character moment, illuminating once more Arya's unwillingness

I recommend you start watching the first season of Avatar. The first couple episodes are a bit puerile, but once they start world-building, you won't be able to look away. And you won't need someone's encouragement to watch Korra, because you will voraciously watch it after finishing Avatar, guaranteed.

So you're friends with the Starks?

Dogs are just artificially mutated frankenstein creatures bred and selected for our amusement and affection.

And the damn Lion Park is adamantly saying they have a strict no-open-windows policy, yet the park guide driving the car didn't seem to want to enforce this "strict" park policy, and just let her snap away with her neck out the window apparently.

Yes they think they are so clever casting that rubious elf—and they are, because I can't help but be delighted either. Also, being a fan of the fantastical and the historical, and as a native New Yorker, I have to admit that I am excited to see how they portray 1930s NYC and how they insert the wizarding world into it.

At the very least you could argue that its a show that seems to be about man vs. man but ultimately about man vs. nature.

Was there an implication that the zombies can't swim or fear water? Because I expected them all to pursue the boats.

Ice Ice Baddie.

And at least four hundred-and-twenty of them involve marijuana

I suppose Life of Pi is another big one, if you're very loose with the criteria.

You should have more respect for the American hero your mother named you after.