
It grew bigger after seeing Chris Pratt

Or two. Its definitely a two-hander

Fertility cults were the porn of the ancients.

But the oldest human sculpture is a chick with giant tatas, made around 40,000 years ago. The boobie obsession is more than just a modern, Western thing.

I wasn't so sure, especially because I find the idea of, say, a barbecue sauce-smeared jock strap to be quite tantalizing.

"the anus is as far away from the mouth as possible for a GOOD REASON"

Have you heard Ben L'Oncle cover it? I was astounded by how good it was.

*drops some pills into the wine*

Watch It Follows. Amazingly shot and spooky (and only maybe 2 jumpscares)

*Patroclus blushes*

As a gay guy who hates mayonnaise, the thought of mayo-smeared panties is absolutely disgusting, but unfortunately I need a way to pay for graduate school.

A butt made of dicks? *salivates*

Lucky for you I sort by "best" but scroll down for hours!

That's fascinating, although on principle when I'm on the internet I never believe any Einstein quotes.

Yesss Loving You Too Long is like the oldest, most withered tree, and listening to it almost convinces you its been sung for ages in long forgotten tongues.

I'm finding it so hard not to continue the song…

I think you are being a bit unfair. Only a quarter of the article discussed how Otis may have influenced hip hop, and the author wasn't "re-evaluating" Otis's worth, so much as contextualizing his music for a modern audience.

Just to fact-check your comment, I searched Youtube for a clip of this, and what I found was a web series contest for the next Price is Right male model. In particular, I watched an episode of the model contestants each doing their best to undress quickly and mount a jetski whilst keeping their best sexy face on. I

I don't get what was funny about what he said. I'm Asian.

My best friends in Catholic school were Muslim. Sad that a trio like us will probably happen less and less in the coming years.