
Okay so that video made my morning, although I kept waiting for her to get whacked with that brush, which she did. I let my daughter play with my hair but spend the 3 minutes in a state of 10+ anxiety waiting for the “(THUNK) ooh, sorry mommy.”

You only need 25!

Friendly English Lit reminder: the point of this quote is not that Juliet is wondering where Romeo is. Rather, the “wherefore art thou” is meant as “WHY are you Romeo Montague,” as in, “I really wish you were from literally any other family.”

Please tell me that “Massen” is Todd Gill’s kid....

A hobbit and a Who walk into a bar ...

Rita Ora is a beautiful girl but there is not one striking feature on her face. Every time I see her, I have no idea it’s her. I’m faceblind to this woman.

Way to be much more informative than the actual article. I think most people already knew that they signified a line underground, but the color scheme is something most don’t.

Usually blue is drinking water, yellow is gas (or other flammable substances) , green sewer, and orange utilities like cable TV. I’ve also seen people spray bright green or bright orange to point out tripping hazards, like a sidewalk that has lifted in a section.

Pleased he was fired but unless he is charged, arrested, found guilty in a court of law and then sent to jail, he will probably end up in another precinct to do this exact same BS all over again. We’ve seen it happen before, it will happen again.

reveals the apparent political calculations framing his romantic choices; before he met Michelle, Obama had proposed to Sheila Miyoshi Jager, now a professor at Oberlin College.

The first time I watched this show I texted a friend, “I can’t decide if I like Fixer Upper. Joanna seems nice but I think I really, really hate Chip?” Every time I hear anything from him, past-me feels so validated. He seems like he is exhausting to be around.

It doesn’t surprise me that he would respond this way. He’s seems incredibly immature just looking at his interaction with Jo on the show. He is, along with the overwhelming amount of fucking shiplap she uses for every remodel, the reason I don’t watch the show. She’s fine on her own. He’s an overgrown infant

You’re just proving you’ve never seen Freaks and Geeks which doesn’t make you look cool.

there’s a good chance he’ll die from some sort of poisoning, i just don’t believe it’ll be mysterious at all.

Of course it’s all Obamas fault according to Trump...

I empathize totally with this. I try to check myself, but often fail. It’s like anxious is my default setting most of the time.

Depends on the season. For example, it’s warmed up of late meaning I can grill.

Grilled swordfish tacos with homemade guacamole and lime slaw is usually the first meal I will cook for a new lady. I never try to make anything complicated because good memorable flavor does not require complicated.

My go to potluck dish is either homemade guacamole (because I make it better than any of you and

It turns out, and it was a huge surprise to most Americans as well, that many of the practices that make our form of government work are not set in law but rather depend on a shared belief in fairness and equity. We were not set up to protect ourselves from a family of grifters. That’s why the President (and VP) are