
Find yourself someone who looks at you like Lin Manuel Miranda looks at everybody.

It’s true. She’s entitled to be proud of and honest about her achievements.

Of COURSE they’re all white, too. And the one on the right has his wiener out for all to see.

Meanwhile, Olympic-level trolling inside:

Stop with the lies! This is the un-photoshopped picture

Why the fuck do we continue to invite LITERAL hate groups to participate in “constructive” dialogue? I’m so tired of this “both sides need a voice” false equivalency fuckgarbage.

So who do you believe, the man who called Adele “fat,” or the woman who told you that shade of blue was actually cerulean?

Wait...this necklace doesn’t make sense? The pieces are the same! They won’t fit together in a way that makes sense!

How are you supposed to feel when you see a bigger bully push a smaller bully around?

You can only wander around in the dark with a bathrobe on for so long before it gets boring.

Or as our esteemed former pres said, “there’s a saying in Tennessee—well, it’s a saying in Texas, probably Tennessee—fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, won’t get fooled again.”

Somebody’s lonely in the White House.

To be fair, he’s only getting an early start because his impeachment will inevitably slow things down, re: campaigning.

I really feel like it’d be inappropriate to consider a SCOTUS nominee in the middle of the campaign like this. We should really wait until the election and let the voice of the American people be heard.

Haha. Fat chance. That dude is way too brown.

I still don’t think the video had anything to do with it. I mean c’mon...Donald Trump had a dozen women accusing him of sexual assault. It was all because he didn’t agree with Trump’s stance on immigration. Republicans have always been split on illegal immigrants because they love cheap under-the-table workers that

Are the “Wage Thief”/ “Tax Cheat” posters Democrats protesting him or Republicans supporting him? Could go either way.

I don’t see this working. I can’t even get refills on my migraine meds without doing a goddamn soft-shoe jig for my doctor, because apparently triptans have a real presence on the street (the kids are here for the sweet side effects, like dry mouth and muscle aches).

And if you pay 5 more shillings, you can get a guy to pull on your legs so that you strangle faster when you get hanged.

Which is awesome, but also-- This guy is facing more opposition than Betsy DeVos?? What the hell.