
Listen. Having a THIRD baby shower seems a little tacky, but for people saying that Kim can’t have a shower because “she’s not even pregnant,” I just have this to say: fuck you very much. My daughter was born via surrogate, and I was a joyful and excited expectant mother even though I couldn’t gestate her myself. I

He probably chooses them for emotional insecurity and fear of abandonment, then starts out with heavy-duty love bombing. It’s extremely disorienting, engaging, and difficult to resist, and creates the illusion of a bond that’s then hard to break. The next step is gaslighting to keep her off balance.

I am turning 60. I do not give one fuck what the artist considers appropriate for someone else. If I want a neck tattoo, chances are at this age i will not live long enough to ever regret it. Besides, if I want my husband’s name in comic sans on my neck I’ll get it. We’ve been married 36 years. He’s a real keeper. I