
How dare you bring logic into this debacle!

Unvaccinated people are not allowed respirators or ER visits. I’m tired of this “let’s be human, be kind, blah blah blah”. Most anti-vaxxers actively wish for others to die of covid or genuinely don’t give a shit. Lifestyle choices are just that, choices, but most people send their kids to school where Polio vaccines

Holy false equivalency batman! Smoking and being overweight only endangers that person, being unvaccinated and spreading that shit is why google had to change how their bubble maps work because we fucking broke it. They’re also the ones taking all the hospital resources and keeping people with legitimate medical

I’m okay with this, so long as unvaccinated people are not allowed respirators or ER visits. 

The morons who thought getting rid of the mask mandate would ENCOURAGE people to go get the vaccine instead of just lying their ass off about having got the vaccine NOW think people are going to listen to them and start wearing masks again???

Ugh, save the “for the unvaccinated” crap for the right wing MAGA garbage websites. Unless this is turning into one of them... in which case I will change my bookmarks right this minute. 

fucking cishet white people.

Just time and again the question is: What the fuck are cops thinking?!?

So this piece of shit almost killed a woman and her unborn child because she was speeding.

“clueless, hueless and now-swimming pool-less” and “Gentrifier from the block”....

Don’t say that... some people know him as “That dipshit from clips on the soup 10 years ago.”

wut kind of POLITICALLY CORRECT SOCIALIST sayz i cant have FISH FOR BREAKFAST IT’S SPELLED FREEDOM NOT FREEDUMB also karen is a lady name and i am MAN MALE this is a HATE CRIME!!@#@#!

That Donald Trump would become President again.

Send an electric shock through Donald John Trump.

Don’t be so cynical. I always arm myself and wear body armor before I leave the house to go out and talk shit to people young enough to be my own kids

“You’re grown assed people having fun giving shit to a bunch of kids. You know who should have fun giving shit to a bunch of kids?”

We were scared the teens we were taunting and harassing might be armed, that’s why we surrounded them and continued!”

Airtight logic.

That is what to expect of Trumpers. Old white people who like to argue with and hurt children.

It’s a fairly standard bully response. Really, it’s the response when caught bullying someone. It’s either “I was only joking”/ “we’re just having fun” or “they deserve it.” (With the former being more common among boys and the latter being more common from girls.)