What is the point of writing this stuff, your not even trying to be a serious writer more like some stupid tabloid writer who has to put dumb garbage like this out there because they have nothing else they can write about.
What is the point of writing this stuff, your not even trying to be a serious writer more like some stupid tabloid writer who has to put dumb garbage like this out there because they have nothing else they can write about.
ya you dipshit racist fuck, your right about that. Blacks just kill eachother in record numbers and BLM protests usually just devolve into what they are really about, looting and destroying property.
thats what those Moozlums do to women
trump is laughing at you pussys who write this garbage, you write for a black racist fake ass site who pretends to give a shit about mexicans, muslims and trannys. your a joke son.
“the immigration deal that would save hundreds of thousands of people from deportation hangs in the balance of a dumbass border wall that only racists want”
suspended yes, kicked out of school No
smart ones voted trump, they got sick of illegals making them look bad
Ya, millions of latinos look like him cuz they are white.
its not Trump that brings them out, its writers like you who embolden blacks to hate on white people constantly and shit talk them when they say or do anything that isnt 100% pro black.
blacks vote for whoever promises them they wont have to work, and will give them the most free money and other shit. Also they vote for whoever kisses their asses most, and tells them how great and important they are. so whoever lies to them
Everything you write is trash you loser, your on trumps dick day an night. your obsessed and prolly some creep in a darkened room all day thinking of the Donald. Hey pussy trump is president and you just some half breed lookin creep that cant get over it.
ahh Pittsburgh is a white city. lets hope it stays that way
Im sure he doesnt give a fuck what blacks think, and good for him on that.
hes just acting like an idiot to get his name out there, he doesn’t give a shit about Haiti or Africa. If you really think hes does and this is genuine, your an idiot.
jesus christ you retards Haiti is a shitty country, and who gives a fuck if he said, hes not the first or last. get over it.
how is this a story, he uses the N word, who gives a fuck.
Kaepernick famously kneeled during the 2016 season in protest of the structural oppression of black people in America
MLK was no saint, he cheated on his wife often.
good for trump, make these deadbeats earn it, sorry black people the free ride is coming to an end.
good for him, deport all the illegals. bye bye