“Donald Trump, a man who kicked off his presidential campaign by claiming Mexican immigrants were rapists and criminal”
“Donald Trump, a man who kicked off his presidential campaign by claiming Mexican immigrants were rapists and criminal”
tell these idiots to fuck off with their apology.
ewww gross, what is that thing?
what a bunch of sorry no life having losers, following a bigger loser Al sharpton. get a fucking life losers.
hmmm maybe they are all shit hole countries, god damn my bad they are all shit hole countries. why does that make you so sad that he said what everyone already knows.
black people think white people are racist when they dont kiss blackspeoples ass 24/7 or say something that isnt 100% positive about blacks.
cornrows in 2018, nope.
Blacks just mad cuz they gotta work
Typical blacks defending other blacks no matter what the issue.
Wog is derogatory word for Greeks, Italians and middle eastern people. Basically for Mediterranean’s living in England an Australia
what kind of creepy loser actually protests shit like this, actually spends money and time to make some pathetic loser signs that say “not one more” or “ no human is illegal”. defending illegal immigrants like they actually care about you. there is no heroism in some creepy 35 40 year old white person who grew up in…
id rather take Haitian immigrants if that means all these weirdo creepy liberals would leave the country.
how did he bash Mexicans? deporting people illegaly here has nothing to do with mexicans, it has to do with deporting illegal immigrants, but retarded lazy liberal creeps just cant understand that.
Don Lemon is a drunken slob who no one takes serious.
ya cocksucker the SS arrested Jewish people who eventually were exterminated, while ICE arrests people who entered the country illegally or committed a crime before being legal and sends them back to their home country without being exterminated.
you = whiney pussy
Haiti is a shit hole, Haitians leave because its a shit hole, its not racist its a fact.. Haitians might be wonderful people but the country is a shit hole.
ewww fuck these creeps and toss em into a pit of lava with Antifa and BLM scum
creep ass liberals licking their chops, cant wait to condemn something they probably say at their dinner parties on the low. all these wack jobs out their love expressing fake outrage.
“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” Trump said