do you cry yourself to sleep? who gives a fuck if he doesnt want people from shit hole country’s. how does that affect or bother you?
do you cry yourself to sleep? who gives a fuck if he doesnt want people from shit hole country’s. how does that affect or bother you?
Nige talked to the press, saying that “a point had to be proven” about white privilege.
Black students make up just 6.8 percent of the student population, at 174.
did blacks think they would have a black for another 8 years? They just mad that the president finally told them enough is enough, get a fucking job deadbeats and off welfare.
Two people briefed on the meeting told the Post Trump asked, “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”
ehh will find someone legal to take their spots, no worries. Adios illegals :)
I hate they you are rich and white as well.
lol “his wife” He was married to a man with a dysphoria. Being a tranny doesnt make you a different sex.
Free labor is a good reason.
what would you write about if Trump wasnt president?
no one forced them to come here illegally.
again goes to show, that anybody who was impressed by the all black clothed pinned wearing assholes who attended the golden globes are stupid. That whole thing is a disgusting charade of scumbag creepy liberals who pat eachothers back for 3 hours and pretend to be good human beings, not to mention by also bashing…
what constitutes harrasment??
the Rooney rule is by far the dumbest thing in sports. Interview the best hire the best, and who has the right to tell you who you have to a have a fake interview with.
islam is not a race again moron. this is not a racist issue becuase again stupid Islam and middle eastern people are not a race.
ya I hate wypipo too.
So now all the weirdo anti trump people are angry at tv show characters who support trump. Wow you all need some serious therapy, looks more An more like the anti trumpsters are the real train wrecks
hes got one of those telephones with the holes in it to put in a phone number.
understanding people like you who denounce trump has made me really sad and depressed for this country. since I find most of you are really creepy liberals who fake outrage over everything and pretend to care about minorities and trannys.
any idiot who was impressed by those cackling liberal morons at an awards show for wearing silly ass pins and wearing black, is indeed an idiot. funny how all those people constantly preach acceptance and being “good people” all while putting their noses up to Trump.