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    Last one is sooo Tali from Mass Effect

    Minecraft is probably the other big example.

    It’ll take some practice. Get to know the maps and get into a groove with a specific character(or two). It’s key that you have another character that you can switch to change the tide of a match.

    Hey there,

    Kentuck Route Zero is up to Act IV. Yall should check it out if you haven’t.

    I liked everything about that video. Thank you for reposting it & putting it together!

    Stand Up! - Set reminders for yourself to stand every hour/any other time interval. can also set a lunch time to not send yourself locations.

    Video Games ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    That safe house is modeled after the actual Grow Home dev’s office I believe.

    Thank you for the work that you put into these Patrick :D

    Godspeed Kinja team.

    Godspeed Kinja team.

    Eh I think it’s more of a collaborative process where the level designer might sometimes ask for changes to the environment based on moment-to-moment needs.

    Halo MCC on PC?

    It'd be hard pressed not to make comparisons to below, from the screenshots and player perspective alone.

    tail end of any game dev cycle will include Optimization, so i wouldn't be too worried about this.

    Have you guys considered turning this into a podcast? While i honestly don't mind the video format(actually really like it), I would love to hear these questions on a run. They are answered in such a calm and calculated manner! Keep up the good work guys.

    Screw the haters, this was pretty dope.

    What about Solstice Arena? It's Zynga made and apparently decent.