
it feels there is not enough emphasis on why this didn’t do well: timing. It was 6 months after previous Star Wars movie, that was never done before . If this would have just came out Holiday 2018 it would have done much better. It seemed like an terrible decision beforehand, and  then it was just proved so. 

All they

Nausicaä manga wasn’t completed until 10 years after the movie. I’ve never been clear if Miyazaki actually knew the ending he wanted yet.

Mononoke always struck me as the “film version” of the Nausicaä manga; how to adapt that story in 2 hour format


Do you understand how art works?

I’ve been a game developer at large companies for 20 years and have boxes of prototypes. Most of these early games aren’t playable and only work for a few scenes in very specific ways. They aren’t fun finished games worth playing. The video is usually better to watch, than try to play actual game