I almost cut my hair, it happened just the other day. It’s getting kinda long, I could have said it wasn’t in my way.
I almost cut my hair, it happened just the other day. It’s getting kinda long, I could have said it wasn’t in my way.
Harry Kane scoffs at Eden Hazard. Scoffs I tell you.
i'm having a hard time understanding what i'm seeing here, why aren't these policemen killing anyone?
I would also like to be held in winter. Or summer. Or any time, really.
This is a football school. They all lie about degrees.
Jack's become the Tommy Heinsohn of the Bruins.
Forget that. I'm never gonna dig him up, never gonna touch that ground. Never gonna grab a spade and exhume him.
his post
Talk about clickbait. I came here looking for a Jets article.
to make the gamers more comfortable, the upper deck was then filled with their parents.
Yuengling's Black and Tan, however... Beer Advocate calls it "Style: Black & Tan," but I think it should be "Style: It is super easy to drink 6 of these quickly."
In related news, Giants fans mourn the passing of Eli Manning.
Oh, geez. If the LAPD doesn't have a record of anything happening, they must have beaten the shit out of poor Shaw.
2 minutes for ruffing.
Fake soccer? But I thought it was Real Madrid?
If Ted Cruz watched this, he'd probably have a brain aneurysm.
Jesus, can they just fuck and get it over with?
the "Regen Requirements" (which were challenges you had to complete before you could prestige) killed it. It made you have to grind doing things you didn't want to do/were not fun to progress
so... not a cover of the dead boys song?