Chippy Play

What, this is supposed to be a serious question? As if "help a lonely older person" means "lonely people are only deserving of help when they're old"? Geesh.

That's an incredible crew right there.

Still pretty big for college football I guess. For pro football, just think if you could put your a la carte money toward the Sunday Ticket rather than ESPN.

For the bad gamblers.

The actually text of the review makes it sound like it should be a straight F.

Agreed. Though I can tell you I spend more time staring at the cover for Girlfriend. That Tuesday Weld photo was perfect.

Seems like the intent, or maybe just the effect, is to up the vulgarity and general badassness.

Hire this writer!

Or you could just work off the calories via a light jog for 30 hours.

Boy, I know we've been discussing rape as a cheap lazy plot device all week, and rightfully so, but the whole accidental death of a beloved young child is a pretty hacky and icky cliche itself.

Hooray! Can't wait to listen.

The camera focuses on Theon, but every human member of the audience was focused on what was off-screen, and the audio. Focused on Sansa.

"The bigger crime is that we get the focus of the scene becomes the teary eyes of Theon, implying that his suffering is equal to her own."

I think this is about it, honestly.

This is a little trickier than Cersei/Jamie. It WAS disturbing that their relationship didn't change.

It's just always difficult to answer questions of "need" in terms of fictional plot development. What does that really mean? We don't need any of this.

The most amusing episode of Dora was the one with "Prince of Cloud Castle" — the funniest racial stereotype ever. The Prince was a whiny white kid (Caillou, basically) who sits on his throne in his cloud castle and has henchmen who steal things from people less fortunate them himself. Dora gets him to smile and dance

Yeah, I think it's like living in Boston or Minnesota — you'll get a day in April that's overcast, windy and 65 and people will be out in shorts having picnics. That same day in the south will have everyone in full coats and gloves.

Yep. Caillou is the Montreal Canadiens of children's television.

Well all the potential rulers seem ok with widespread war to sit on the throne, expect maybe those softie Starks. So the ending slavery things seems like a pretty key tiebreaker.