
This may be the missing ingredient when I try to make yellow curry from a boxed base, compared to the unctious, heavenly stuff at a thai restaurant.

I hope the smug little skunk loses everything.

Another producer taking half measures, and trying to sound progressive, but really just taking it to the minimum. SOA is centered on a Japanese server.

The problem is when they don’t want to say “Well this is just inspired by”. They want to bait and switch, promising an adaptation, and giving us something else that drops names and references, but then goes off in entirely different directions. This isn’t just an American thing either. I still have a sick feeling from

I’m really surprised people are using Harry Potter as the cue in, when it’s pretty obvious Gremlins was his ticket into this franchise. I know it’s old, but I’d think that Gremlins has enough pop culture longevity to sound familiar.

Uh...New Line produced IT, not Blumhouse.

If Markiplier and MattPatt are not offered cameo roles at the very least, I already know this film doesn’t have enough care put into it in regards to the fandom and what made this franchise works. Both the streamers and the theory community MADE this game into the phenomenon it is today.

It’s not a surprise. It’s frustrating that you and people like you are using that as justification. It’s not like you don’t know they exist. Do you HAVE you expect to encounter something before you learn about it?

I have a bad relationship with lubricant. I have NEVER liked using it on myself. Maybe I’m a masochist, or my skin is just super compatable with itself, because I kinda need that exact friction from my hands to get myself off. With lubricant, it feels like it takes a lot longer, and even risks just having to give up.

75% of the play between my last partner and I ended in mutual handjobs. At the end of the day, I have back problems, and I’m considerably small (IN HEIGHT) for a top, and bless my partner’s heart, but if you have weight issues, buttocks can create a world of problems for penetration. Attempts for him to top usually

“Oh, why don’t you get hearing aids?” Was the usual answer I got at my jobs. Sure, lemme just shell out several grand PER EAR, or even more for expensive cocholear implants.

There are a lot of people I’ve never been around, but I already know how to behave around them because I actually pay attention to the world around me. I’ve had to do that to survive as a half deaf person. Try being observant for a change, and don’t victim blame.

The problem is that in this day and age people SHOULD be aware at this point. Most don’t care enough to find out about people with disabilities, and so it puts all the responsibility to educate abled peopled on us, when we already have enough to do just trying to navigate through a world that is mostly not designed to

I finally got around to modding my PSP, and while it means hand held emulation for no cost, it’s capabilities as a 10+ year old device leaves much to be desired, especially with glitchy emulators and not a lot of alternative choices.

I finally got around to modding my PSP, and while it means hand held emulation for no cost, it’s capabilities as a

I do like all of the 3D movies that are included so far but...I’m kinda sad that they’re dominating this game.

Given how his eye is being covered by his...fin-hair, they’re going with Monsters Inc to replace Nightmare Before Christmas.

That’s actually a mechanic that had been kinda glossed over, but it’s a sorta summoning/drive type function that allows you to summon Disneyland rides to do very wide area of effect special attacks. Thunder Mountain was shown against Rock Titan, and we’ve seen a swinging ship ride that doesn’t relate to any RL

I feel a little frustrated that I don’t have the perspective here to make a judgement call. I can only do what I’m told to by POC because of course it’s in reference to them, they have the right to decide how it impacts them. I am slightly bewildered that the utterance of the word itself is offensive though.

As if I needed more reason to never want to visit that area.

Homophobia is not a natural state of being. It’s entirely a taught behavior, right up there with xenophobia (aka racism), classcism, and everything else we should NEVER encourage or condone. It’s no longer a case of just being a different opinion when the person with those feelings actively campaigns for the