
This is my constant frustration with any alleged gay male “Conservative.” that tries to push the idea the GOP embraces them.

The difference is a matter of how much objectifacation is involved, and if it’s the major definition of the character. With Nightwing, the priority is never just to make him delicious: It’s an augmentation of his already powerful image. Where it runs itself into the ground is when female characters are objectified and

I think the three biggest fears right now are this. 1

PC culture is a bit of a chimera, since it means something different to each individual. To me, that’s basically not going out of your way to make someone else miserable to your own personal advantage. But I’m not gonna kid myself about the fact that we’ve bread a sort of hyper-vigalent society where death-threats

The problem is the elite are happy to pay this price. The loss of a few low income people, a few mentally disabled, a few POC, that’s fine. They’d rather have a police force crammed full of trigger happy, racist assholes than clean it out and not have officers aplenty come and their beck and call.

Mmmm, it’s worse than that. Too many key-visuals are being taken for people not to notice it, and the original is not so old that younger gens wouldn’t have at least heard about it on a bad movie-review channel. It’s the internet age now: Nothing ever gets forgotten.

*leaps out of the water and bites you in half*

There’s a lot of stuff here that is very intentionally mirroring the original, to the point where it kinda feels like a soft reboot. The shark-cradel scene feels exactly the same, just lower budget.

Aaand people bitch about The Shallows having a fake shark. No No. That was a good step foreward when we still have THIS kinda shitty CGI for anyone who thinks a shark jumping out of the water is worth totally taking the immersion down with it.

Perhaps we’ll see a bit more of an established magical society in this version where even witches are subject to male magic users, rather than magical men being rare magical people that all happen to zone in on the girls as the worst dates ever?

Eh. There’ll always be us nicotine addicts. Weed isn’t tobacco’s threat, it’s vaping, and that’s only a threat to any company not prepared to leap into the vape market.

I really hope he goes into such shock and anger from losing the case that he drops dead on the spot.

What a pity that such an interesting concept is being wasted on such a limited platform.

You can absolutely count on them milking this second generation franchise as far as possible. A mauraders movie WILL happen in the next 10 years.

Honestly I’m super surprised there hasn’t been something like this on a larger scale as some sort of pseudo-MMO game.

You missed my point: Back then it was also a wild west of piracy and copyright infringement.It took a long time before companies really started going after Youtube for people uploading entire shows. I’m willing to be one of the reasons Youtube was sold off to Google (Besides the insane amount of money) was Google was

Pulling away in terms of trust. Yeah everyone has a facebook: I still have one. But use and trust in Facebook is starting to drop away. In a technological era like now, if Facebook was healthy, it should be increasing its userbase a lot more than 15% yearly, but if anything it’s starting to plataeu. Its not gonna drop

Okay, I lied. I constantly get that stupid Final Fantasy XV mobile game ad a lot, but I blot that out of my mind because THAT GAME SHOULD NOT EXIST AND I AM NEVER GOING TO PLAY A CLASH CLONE OF A GAME I DO NOT LIKE.

Stocks? Really?

Maybe it’d help if they actually targeted ads based remotely on the themes of what the video is about. I look at a lot of Lets Plays and nerdy/gaming culture games. I can count on one finger the number of actual game ads I’ve had. I watch a lot of horror channels as well, and half those don’t even get ads at all.