
It really was shocking, wasn’t it, the response to Christy Mack? Even after she published those photos of her face, completely beaten to shit. I could not BELIEVE that people were still arguing she was “asking for it” when she had a broken jaw and missing teeth. that scenario really limited to porn sets? How often do we hear of scenarios, whether in a business or private setting, where people looked the other way, laughed off a situation, or just avoided confrontation? I think it would be hard to find any industry which seems to emphasize care of its female workers

I think the appeal of him was less about him in particular, and more a symptom of women acknowledging, or observers of women being willing to acknowledge, their interest in porn and porn performers. I mean, of course there are people for whom he is the right “type,” but it seems to me more that he was/is one of the

What I find the most frustrating about all of this, beyond the projection of criticism of him onto the porn industry as a whole, more slut-shaming or victim-blaming or ‘well, what’s the point in telling if you’re not going to go to court’ is the repeated commentary that this was well known in the industry for so long.

I’m very sorry :(

Go, Bernie, Go!!!!


what the fuck ?!?

jesus christ!

I love Melissa McCartney. I love everything she is in. I would pay to watch her read a grocery list, and her reading a grocery list would be better comedy than anything else ever.

It makes me very sad New Hampshire is on that list :(

Genuine Question: Why use body doubles/stand ins for a show like Friends? Is it something about scheduling? Where certain actors aren’t on set while others are, and scenes are split and filmed across multiple days, which body doubles standing in when the actor isn’t there? Why do they do that?

Poor guy :(

When people say things like this, my first question is always, “What would irrefutable ‘unwillingness’ look like?”

I don’t know if this helps or hurts, but I hated 99% of the people I met in grad school, and gave up trying to be their friends. It was lonely at first, but I found some pleasant housemates and had people I could spend time with. But, to be honest, 3 years in the residential part of my PhD program, and I made maybe

Oh, honey, I FEEL THIS.


I was leading the American ambassador to (random country) around a monastery. Her daughter, about 5, said at the top of her lungs, “IS THAT WOMAN PREGNANT?!?!”

These are amazing. I would totally wear that as an adult.