
Yay! I have a few, so maybe I’ll do multiple entries.

what a rude cow. I'm sure your wedding was lovely.

Feel the Bern!!!

When I was a teacher in Japan, my little village has a traditional onsen, or public hot springs. It was gender segregated, but young children (up to about 5 or 6) would go in with their parents (at least, I saw young boys in with the mothers. I don’t know if fathers took their young daughters into the men’s section.)

Chioma!! You’re so beautiful!!!!

I definitely just burst out loud, in the middle of my silent office, when I read those 4 words.

Ok. Genuine questions (and seems moderately appropriate given the title of this piece):

This...may be the saddest thing I have ever read. Ever.

Thank you for doing this. I admire your strength, but I do not envy your situation.

But, statistically, perpetrators of sexual violence do not rehabilitate. Now, I’m not saying we throw them off cliffs or whatever, but rapists, domestic abusers, and pedophiles have almost identical track records. Like, if that’s your thing, that’s your thing. And there isn’t really much to change that.

Man, I’ve got mixed feelings about this...mainly because, from what I read, his rapes were identical to my rape, so it’s equal parts catharsis/trauma to read about this guy.


Woah! Jelperman! I’ve never seen the show. I was not aware that children were murdered in it too. Let’s not run around making assumptions that bitches be crazy and offended by rape, but not infanticide, mmmK?

Ok. Cards on the table.

Oh, honey bunny. You seem so unhappy!


This, x10000000.

I was on safari in Tanzania, and I asked the driver/guide who was his worst ever tourist.


Woo! Sunapee represent!