
This is awful.

All the tears.


I’ll buy you women in trees.

This woman does a lot of damage.

My skin is gorgeous after my Mirena. GORGEOUS.

I have the Mirena. I went in thinking the insertion would be horrific. I have (had!) horrific cramping around my period every month since I was 11, so I figured of course anything in that region would be terrible too.

I’ve just realized my parents and much of my family are these people.

And how would it nap?

What is a Jew tube?

I’m getting that as a bumper sticker.


Me too. I’m choking up a bit!

That happened to most members of my family during Obama’s first election. They all voted Democratic for the first time.

Gosh. Maybe they’ll take away her twitter as a punishment.

I can kind of understand that prohibition.

God, I am so sorry :(

Do people think Friends hasn’t aged well?

Oh let me fucking guess:

No need to seal it, because nothing would come out :D