Whoa. You go, Taylor Swift. I love that dress.
Whoa. You go, Taylor Swift. I love that dress.
I still find it funny when jealous/dumb commenters say these are fake.
How many elderly couples were polled? Quite often, children become adults.
I always say that having a kid is the best and hardest thing I've ever done. It offers a type of love and fulfillment that I've never experienced before, but it also creates so much more work. Just as you figure out one stage, you're on to the next one. There is a routine that must be followed. The logistics for…
Yes, they must be the ones lying. No one else in the groups mentioned could possibly be gritting their teeth and marking little white lies on the questionnaire.
Sweet, another vague study and shitty headline to get women to start arguing with each other about what makes us happy.
Damn, I am getting really sick of how anti-child this site can be. What did kids and parents ever do to deserve this shit? /sigh
There's a thriving mom table in the Jezebel cafeteria. We are all awesome. Don't worry.
I love how anti-children the author of this blog post seems to be. Kids are stressful to be sure, but her analysis emphasizes the negatives and questions the positives (like that Mothers tend to be the happiest group). The assumption that the study missed something on that positive is ridiculous.
I'm sure as a childless couple it is very obnoxious getting all the "You should have babies/would be happier with babies" statements from folks, but as a youngish mom who reads mostly feminist and the like material I feel like all I see is "We are so much better off with kids. See? Get it?"
Yeah, that's a pretty misleading title considering the content of the article.
This IS Jezebel. lulz. The blog exists just to be mean.
So....is there some reason why we're getting something about Full House? Is it like...their anniversary or something?
Let me sum up what the author was trying to say with this article so you don't have to waste time reading it:
Christianity bad, drugs good, I hate the Olson Twins.
Blargh, this just reads like a bitchy HEY, HERE'S A SET OF WOMEN WE CAN TEAR DOWN! post. I mean, an entire post on the hot mess that is former-D.J. would have been sweet. You could just assemble quotes; no critique even needed.
Um way to brow all of these young women under the bus, why is this article on Jezebel? It's not funny, all snark and judge too. Seems to be mean just because...hmm maybe you didn't have anything else to write about today?
Not funny. Not informative. Just a big shrug from me.
"Religious crazies"